Rejecting Fear Is Impossible...

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...Embracing Courage Is Attainable.

Fear is a natural part of the mind and something we need in order to survive. Unfortunately, fear is also a powerful weapon, that can be used against you.

It as the power to weaken you, fill your mind with hopelessness, and rip apart your very being. It can even turn anyone it touches into a monster. Fear with no control, boundaries, or limits, corrupts you.

Fear is also something I've struggled with on a personal level. I have Anxiety and have been on medication for years. I went off of it this year cause I thought i didnt need it. I was wrong, I was an emotional rollercoaster, scared of every little thing. It was a horrible experience. After coming out of it and getting back on medication, I looked at all those people that committed suicide over it, and thought to myself, "I kind of understand why they would do it now,"

Fear isn't something people can just brush away or shake off. It's something you have to fight tooth and nail to overcome, it isn't easy. God understands this more than anything, and has us lean on him for guidance.

He has us put our burdens, our fears, our doubts, all onto him. In return, he will give us a emotion greater than fear, courage. Courage is when you keep moving forward in spite of your fear. Saying you fear nothing is a lie, saying you move in spite of your fear, is God pushing you forward.

I still deal with anxiety, but I'm a lot better now, and my worries only grow smaller. Since I got back on medication and from God giving me courage. We can all embrace the courage God has given us, all you need to do is believe.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you,"

Deuteronomy 31:6

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