Chapter A

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ferns wrapped around my body, the summer warmth incased my skin and I felt safe, it was a different feeling . it was a feeling of security and bubbling happiness. And when I opened my eyes I was in the forest

trees the size of houses surrounded me, when I let my eyes drift toward the sky branches blocked my view, they twisted and turn never knowing where one branch ended and the other began. the leaves weren't green, the were a deep scarlet and almost sparkled in the twilight sun shine, what looked like multiple circles of bright massive planet circled the sky and I could just make it out from between the branches many small patches of colorful mush rooms surrounded my body. soft soil slid down my back as I sat up in awe, the familiar sensation of my antlers scraping against the think trunk of the one of many majestic trees. I slowly looked around as small bright lights of fireflies began to light up the darkening forest
I felt something
I felt power
I felt love
I felt at home

"where..." I wondered but before I finished my out loud question I heard the sound of soft whispering urging me forward with a careful tread .

I instantly found my self in a clearing, the grass was cool under my feet and my toes dug into the almost neon green grass, I heard the sound of water falling and looked over my shoulder. a water fall, or something like a water fall. instead of the water making its ways down the cliff side, the water exited the large crystal pool a few feet away from me. the clear liquid ran up the cliff face. I toke a small step forward but the harsh whisper make me stop dead

"you" it spoke, I turned on my heel but was welcomed to see nothing "you" its voice sounded close to my ear but once again I turned to see nothing. "chosen" excitement filled its tone

"what" I asked confusion enveloping me before every thing began to fade.

Elizabeth woke with a start.
Green eye opening into the bleak reality. Dull sunlight filtered through her small window near her bed, her light bulb was busted, nothing but a useless cracked piece of glass with a dangling string hanging from her crumbling ceiling. she quickly sat up, but not before she bashed her head on her wall. her extra appendage scraping along the dry wall. many holes and scratches along the wall was
evidence to her demonic antlers.

She didn't pay any notice to the marks on her robin egg blue walls, she quickly got up and scrambled to get ready for class, she couldn't be late, teachers and students called her out on anything and every thing. Elizabeth pulled on some dark navy jeans that's were fraying away on her bony figure, haft due to her inhuman built the other due to hunger. after she threw on a dark tank and her beloved white tench coat. hopfuly janis, her mother, was past out drunk. or better yet, not home. She picked up her one and only tooth brush, brushing her with a glass of water for 37 seconds she placed her tooth brush on her black dresser.

Jogging down the steps two at a Tim she looked around and spotted her mother sprawled along the mouldy red coach, the sent of alcohol and tobacco cigarettes Was heavy.

Elizabeth ducked under the low stair case, no picture frames doted the wall, her mother had had sure to burn all photos that had been taken of her, Elizabeth reached a full 7 and haft feet in height with her horns. careful not the knock anything over and risk waking up her mother she tip toed into the small open kitchen, her flat conversed feet cool against the black and white retro style tiles of the kitchen floor, she grabbed a bruised apple, shooting the locked cupboards with a wistful glance she rubed her thumb along the yellow and brown fruit before she quickly snuck out the house shutting the light discoloured wooden door with a light tap and click, she all but ran to school.


When you first toke a daunting look at Elizabeth you would know she could defend her self, with her height, speed and horns she could match that of a pissed off Bambi

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