He hated himself for dragging you in this, to keep his human appearance up. Not all of it was fake! He tried to remind himself every night when he watched his wife sleep. It was true. He did start to catch feelings for you. But you weren't her. He didn't have to hide what he was from her. She knew him for him. And you didn't. And he didn't want to think about what you'd think of him when you did find out.

"What? Alice, stop playing right now... finish your sentence." The pixie girl looks over to her father figure, who listened to the call even though the phone was to her ear. He truly didn't know what to do in this case, as much as it pained him, you weren't any of their concern anymore.

He shrugged to his daughter, head empty for the first time in centuries. It was weird... you were like a daughter to him, he considered you family... but Edward was his son, and he couldn't choose you over him. No, he wouldn't choose you over him. Even when his stiff heart told him to do the right thing. which was to apologize to you, face to face for his son's actions.. it was wrong, he knew that.

This whole incident made Carlisle confused. Who was his son? he knew the boy was secretive, and quiet until he was with his true love, Bella. But to pull you along, to... manipulate the whole family into thinking the relationship was genuine, to fill your hopes up with being with his son for a long time?.. He fell right into his son's manipulation. He felt horrible, he couldn't imagine how betrayed you felt.

Who was Edward Masen?

They couldn't cross the border to check on you, nor were you answering their calls. It was clear you wanted nothing to do with them. Alice gulps down venom, a nervous tick she picked up from humans.

"Or," Edward places down the bowl with a hard thud. If his heart wasn't frozen in place, it would be the cause of his heart attack.
"He might be planning another funeral, Edward." "Edward?" Alice heard Bella over the phone. "But don't try to think about it too hard. She's okay...Goodbye Edward." Alice was quick to hang up the phone, stone hands now both placed on the dark counter of their home.

"Edward..." Bella repeats, slowly walking towards her husband, dark brown eyes concerned as she watches him stare off into space while the phone loosely hung in his fingers. She took the phone from his hold, her sweet smell wafting near his nose and warm fingers pulling him out of his daze.

"Yeah?" His voice was low, gold eyes meeting hers. Bella knew something was wrong, the next question was did she want to know what happened? Of course, she did. "Something happening?"

The cold one fixes up a smile, lips never pulling back over his teeth. "Alice going on her rant about Rosalie and Emmett... seems like they're going through another bed." This seems to make the other cheeks go red, a blush covering the tips of her ears with a dazed smile. "I guess we're not the only ones having fun this week..." she chuckles, and he follows along.

He was always a good liar.

"Do you know how idiotic that was?! You could've been killed, moron!" You stared up at your little brother with a bored expression, jaw swollen and cold as you laid the frozen peas on them.

Once you got the cold one head between your jaws, with fast movements it placed its hard marble fingers between your jaw, keeping them open until they popped.

You squinted your eyes at him, knowing you couldn't say anything to him as the bone in your jaw was dislocated, about to be popped back in place once the ice numbed it enough.

"Don't even look at me like that! You-ugh!!" He groans, hands curling together frustratingly in front of your face, a way to say he wanted to strangle you. How dare he disrespect me like that? A growl rumbled in your chest as you slapped his hands away from your face. You were about to kick his knees but he moved out of the way.

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