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3rd person pov:

"What the FUCK do you want? I've told you too many times to count to get the fuck. Out. Of. My. Country!" Wilbur was leaning on a bookshelf in Quackity's office. It was all part of his foolproof plan to blow up the burger shop in Las Nevadas. Ranboo was placing tnt in their pre-made tunnels. How do you increase sales and eliminate your rivalry with your secret crush so you two can fuck? Blow up your competition! His plan was genius. All Wilbur needed to do was stall, and his plan would do off without a hitch! "I just wanted to see you, love." Wilbur said in a flirty tone "I just adore you that much. I was waiting for you for so long! What were you doing without me?" Wilbur walked up to Quackity and grabbed his waist. Quackity pushed Wilbur off him and pinned Wilbur onto the wall inbetween two bookshelves. Quackity pulled out a pocket knife and held it to Wilbur's throat. "Oh Quackity, you know how much I love it when you threaten me." Wilbur said in an almost excited tone. "Fucking Masochist. You're disgusting." Quackity looked repulsed by the man in front of him, and you could tell it in his voice. "Oh keep talking to me like that, please. You know how much I love it when you talk to me like that." Wilbur looked like he was genuinely enjoying Quackity's rudeness. Quackity dug his knife deeper into Wilbur's throat, making sure to hurt him, but not cut him. "Oh Quackity, you look nervous. What's wrong, Ducky?" Quackity glared at him. "I will literally fucking kill you. Stop fucking talking to me. You're fucking repulsing." Wilbur looked oddly excited, dispite Quackity literally demeaning him. Every time Quackity spoke, it just turned wilbur on more. "Talk to me like that more, love.  I love your hatered for me just as much as I love your knife in my throat!" Quackity stabbed his knife in the wall right next to Wilbur's face. "You're so fucking- Just leave. Whatever I say, it's just gonna turn you on." Quackity let go of Wilbur and went over to his desk. "I'm disappointed that didn't go farther." Wilbur grabbed Quackity's chin and lifted his face up to meet Wilbur's eyes. "Get out. I fucking hate your company." Quackity was stern, and Wilbur wasn't having it. "Loosen up Big Q!" Wilbur grabbed Quackity's waist again. "Get your disgusting hands off of me!" Quackity pulled Wilbur's hands off of him, but Wilbur persisted. "Oh Big Q, I just wanna hangout! Let's have some fun!" He started to crawl onto Quackity's lap, but Quackity pushed him off. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Quackity stood up and pushed Wilbur. He hit his back on the wall, and crumbled. Quackity grabbed Wilbur's neck and pulled him up to Quackity's eye level. "I told you to leave. You didn't." Wilbur looked terrified. Terrified and excited. Quackity flicked open his knife and held it to Wilbur's neck. "-oh Quackity. You're so touchy today. I didn't know you had the same desire for me as I do for you." Quackity didn't like how Wilbur was talking to him. He folded up his knife and dropped it down. He grabbed Wilbur by the collar. "If you want desire, I will show you desire, Wilbur Soot." Quackity pressed his lips harshly against Wilbur's. Wilbur was surprised, and he deepened the kiss. It didn't take long for their kiss to become more loving. Quackity had Wilbur pinned onto the wall, and he had his tongue in Wilbur's mouth. They had started to fight for dominance over the other, and Quackity was winning. Quackity grabbed Wilbur's hair and tugged, making Wilbur moan into their kiss. "Mhm~ Quackity," Wilbur broke the kiss, and Quackity started to suck and bite on Wilbur's neck, leaving red and purple marks everywhere. Quackity looked up at Wilbur and started to unbutton the first button of Wilbur's shirt while maintaining eye contact with Wilbur. "You know Wilbur, you're such a little slut." After he got the third button open, Quackity got up and left Wilbur a blushing mess leaning on the wall. Wilbur forgot about everything else in the world. All he wanted right at that moment was Quackity. He sure was giving Ranboo a hell of a lot of time to place that tnt. Wilbur stood up, and without a word, walked over to Quackity. Wilbur looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Fuck me, Quackity." His smirk was the only confirmation Quackity needed. "What makes you think I will?" "That goddamn look in your eyes, Quackity." Wilbur looked up at Quackity. He then grabbed Wilbur's waist and pulled him into a kiss. They started to makeout, then suddenly they heard a loud bang. "Oh shit. Quackity- oh no, I'm-" Quackity took three steps back from Wilbur. He looked up at him coldly. "I-" He looked up at Quackity with an apologetic and remorseful glance. "Wilbur, what did you do?"

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