Chapter 2

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Jennette's Pov

I woke up washed up and got dressed

I woke up washed up and got dressed

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My personal maid Francine helped me by curling the ends of my hair after that Francine said "Mr

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My personal maid Francine helped me by curling the ends of my hair after that Francine said "Mr. Anastacius Called for you Jettie" I said "I see I'll see you later then"

(Jennette has two maids but she's closer to Francine And Anastacius have a one personal butler)

I knocked at my father's door and he said "Come in" I opened the door and saw Father and his butler father said"Jennette I'm leaving for a business trip at Arlanta as you can see we're still part of the Obelian Empire Claude wrote a letter to me and it said that I have some duties at Arlanta the problem is it'll take me a few years until I get back home.." i said "I see well when will you leave?" "After lunch"
"Ok then I'll see at the dining room" I left the room and went to the garden for fresh air.
I sat on the swing and thinked about how I'll be alone again.
Francine saw me and said "Jettie are you ok?" I hugged her and said "Francine what will I do now my father is leaving Tomorrow because of a business trip and I don't know when he's coming back! I don't wanna be alone again..." She said "Oh Jettie Your not alone I'm here for you"

(Pretend her eyes are green)I teared up and hugged her she wiped my tears and said "C'mon Jettie you're stronger then you think your alone your whole childhood and you didn't think to end you life" she hugged me once more and said " dry your tears...

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(Pretend her eyes are green)
I teared up and hugged her she wiped my tears and said "C'mon Jettie you're stronger then you think your alone your whole childhood and you didn't think to end you life" she hugged me once more and said " dry your tears Jettie breakfast is ready"
I dried my tears and cupped both of my cheeks And said "Don't be sad now Jennette!"

I went to the dining room and sat next to father

As I was eating father said "Jennette if you need some money go to the 3rd floor and the last room to the left understand?" I said "I understand Father" he said "How's your day Jennette?" I said "It's going well father how about you?" He said "Goo...

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As I was eating father said "Jennette if you need some money go to the 3rd floor and the last room to the left understand?" I said "I understand Father" he said "How's your day Jennette?" I said "It's going well father how about you?" He said "Good aswell" after a while I excused myself I went to the garden and picked my Father's favorite flowers.

Lunch time

I went to the dining room and ate

I went to the dining room and ate

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A few hours later

Father was leaving in a few minutes so my father was about to leave but I stopped him I said "Daddy! Wait!" He looked at me and said "Jennette are you ok?" I said "yes father I just wanted to give you something here!"

Father was leaving in a few minutes so my father was about to leave but I stopped him I said "Daddy! Wait!" He looked at me and said "Jennette are you ok?" I said "yes father I just wanted to give you something here!"

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I smiled at him as he smiled back

I smiled at him as he smiled back

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He said " Good bye my daughter"


To be continued...

The Lady's Adventure ll Wmmap fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora