Chapter 12

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Jennette's Pov

I was praying or should i say communicating with my mother
When all of a sudden i felt like someone was staring at me
I opened my eyes just to see His Highness Kai Sitting and staring at me!

"Umm What are you doing here Your Highness?"

"Nothing just checking the place"

" Oh i see i gotta go!"

I ran so fast that i bumped into Sir Casis

"I- I'm really sorry Sir Casis!"

I said and then ran in embarrassment

I ran into Heini and dragged her inside the carriage

"princess Jennette why are you blushing?!"

I covered my face and said "I can't explain rn Heini but I'm falling inlove "

The Next day

I was having a great day when all of a sudden i was informed that my cousin Athy was poisoned!!
My knees felt weak and I started to cry

I was having a great day when all of a sudden i was informed that my cousin Athy was poisoned!!My knees felt weak and I started to cry

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"Who poisoned my Cousin!"
Felix said " we're starting an investigation your royal Highness!"

Royal Highness?!!!

"Robane Felix don't tell me...."

"Yes Princess Jennette, Athy said when she dies she doesn't want Your father to rule but instead she wants you."

"Felix you and i both know that I'm not fit on being a crown Princess let alone being a Empress.."

"Athy knows and understands that, So you have a reservation for 2 teachers to teach you"

Sigh"When do i start?"

"Tomorrow! And Lucas is waiting outside!"

"He's waiting for me?"

I then walked outside Lucas then grabbed my wrist saying "Jennette De Alger Obelia, Did you fcking poison Athanasia!"

Lucas strangled me as i said "I....I d-didnt do a... anything to....a-athy...."

Lucas then let me down but putted a spell on me "Hear me Citizens of Darkness Punish this Chimera and make her feel the side effects of being poisoned!"

My head was spinning my body was weak and i started to coughing blood as tears formed

My head was spinning my body was weak and i started to coughing blood as tears formed

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I heard someone "JENNETTE!" But before i could reach him everything became dark....

I opened my eyes to see Kai carrying me "*/cough Y-Your Highness..."
"Gosh your bleeding and still be formal just call me kai!"
I closed my eyes once again

""Gosh your bleeding and still be formal just call me kai!"I closed my eyes once again

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"Jennette my baby, hold this every flower and close your eyes quickly!"

I did as my mother told me and woke up

I saw Felix,Heini and....Kai

"LADY JENNETTE! */Sob" Heini said while crying

"Princess! Thank god, Lucas is ok now..." Felix said

"Thank you Felix and Thank you for saving me Kai"

Kai smiled and said "I'll excuse myself Jennette."

I will kill whoever killed my cousin.... I promise Diana this is me repaying your kindness

To be continued.....

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