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Empyrea Station

The pounding sound echoing across all corners of a spacious white corridor came from sturdy black boots that were filled with a grown man who carried himself with pride and seriousness. He was furious and without alternative choices how to undo what had become of the Empire that has changed much in the past couple of years. What more will the new humans take? More importantly, with them here, are they going to bring something that is unwanted?

"Captain R... a moment, please, to speak with my brother alone," a command was voiced. He turned his head, waiting for the grand council room to be cleared before he could speak the matter. He could listen to the sound of the door behind him closing again in a swishing sound and secure their conversation at last.

"I see you've made quite the effort to draw attention," Alphazar said. "Go on, I expect it is so important."

"It is not enough to reproduce an entire race, but you will give your celebration away in their name?" He leaned on his bare palms against the round black metal table, looking down and sternly waiting for the answer. Alphazar stood from his seat as he would never settle to be lectured, even if it came from his older brother. There was no fault in any of his decisions, for each one he had made for the past fifteen years had been a calculated one. "What do you think will happen if this fails you? If you find that they turned their backs on you? It backfires. Do you put your entire race in danger... for humans not merely close to being from your own world?"

Alphazar's face hardened in the lack of faith which came from no one else but his own brother. All he had ever known of him since they had matured was discouragement, disappointment, jealousy, and rivalry. Their younger years were far different, but he had learned time and choice of pathways change a person, even if they are family. How he wished his father was still well. He recalled the very last words his father spoke, words that Alphazar held onto for those long fifteen years. His father had told him to seek the Earth when Alphazar told him what he'd found, he told Alphazar to give them a second chance, to watch over his brother, the Empire, and to fulfill his destiny. Taking his last breaths in Alphazar's arms became a memory that pushed his son to never fail him. It was a promise made, and an oath to be kept. Alphazar snapped out of his memory with clearer consciousness and evermore so convinced of his mission.

"I don't need your lecturing. I am aware of what control I possess and have made the precise decisions to avoid an outcome that should never be seen. I'm convinced of who they are, their capabilities, and their humanity. I even find they have something of that to pass onto our people where we ourselves lack. The Voyagers deserve a proper introduction," he went on. "It is fair that the people see the progress of this research after all this time. Today, we will have successfully populated 3,500 people who have passed their examinations, their health screenings, and their mental and emotional programming. Because of that I know there are no faults or errors. I've worked with them closely for years. Since it has been proven to be a success, we must continue to ensure the project is completed, restoring as many of their civilization as we can. These are the first digital humans, first hybrids and they are of Essleon and Earth. Two worlds combining, two entirely different galaxies... Does it not excite you?"

"If father saw the lengths you have gone to for these huma–"

"Don't speak to me of what our father would have wanted, Orion, for I am doing exactly as he told me to with his very last breath."

"You will regret it deeply if you endanger Essleon," he warned his brother of honest fear. He'd heard of invasions and attacks and reformations of alien worlds entering galaxies and dominating, bringing to extinction the native race of other planets. He refused to see the same with his own.

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