"Net's off the boat!" shouts James, jumping into the water.

Max sends Nat to Juna and runs for a better view.

He sees James diving into the water again and again, only to resurface a short time later.

His tears are still flowing and he just can't calm his breathing.

His body is buzzing with adrenaline.

And his heart aches with fear.

With all his might, he tries not to think about it.

He can't think about it.


It mustn't be.

If something happens to Net.

And he feels himself spasm as he remembers what sight he just gave him.

The last time.

And his sobbing doesn't let him see anything or dive.

James only hears Max's voice calling.

He can't process what he's calling out.

He's so consumed by his despair.

"James is here!" shouts Max loudly, "You'll be with him in a minute!"

And James suddenly feels two hands wrap around his waist.

"What are you doing here?" he hears his cougar's voice.

James' legs float, keeping him afloat.

And now his hands are rubbing the tears from his eyes.

And he sees Net.

And he's crying bitterly again.

"James!", Net puts a hand on his face, "Everything is fine!", he comforts him, "Come on, let's go on the boat!"

But James cannot calm himself.

Instead, he grabs the back of his cougar's neck with both arms, nuzzles his neck and sobs again.

Net's legs carry them both in the warm, turquoise blue.

His arm around Jaime's waist tightens and he lets him feel his heartbeat.

"Were you scared for me?" teases Net, chuckling at him.

And he expects a dismissive James to put him in his place.

But his mistake sends his heart beating into infinity.

James clutches tighter around his neck and his hot tears flow down Net's neck.

For a moment, Net can't give his legs any supporting power.

And so they glide down into the warm water in their intimate embrace.

Only to surface again.

Max and Nat watch Net's tanned torso swim back up with his bright-eyed James in its grasp.

Max helps James up and hands him to Net when he is back on deck.

Net takes him in his arms.

"I just needed to cool off for a minute," he strokes the wet strands from James' beady face.

And he strokes his flushed cheeks tenderly.

"I'm a very good swimmer!" he declares gently, placing his large, warm hand on Jaime's face.

And the feeling of the warm pressure against his hand, makes Net's heart flutter.

James snuggles up to that hand touching him.

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