"I think Jeremie's locked out, We need to divertualize each other," Yumi summed up. "It's a good thing we all have distance weapons so we can attack each other, Aelita, hit me I'll get Odd, and," she turned to them, " you get Aelita."

The two of them nodded at the plan. "On the count of three!"

Yumi's through her fan as Aelita sent an energy blast her way and Odd was out of laser arrows.

"Where's Aelita?!" Jeremie cried out as soon as they noticed that she was the one who didn't return.

"I was out of laser arrows," Odd's voice was numb as they processed what happened. "I couldn't devertualized her." There was not a dry eye in the room as they held each other crying. Odd and Jeremie were taking it the hardest. Jeremie was beating himself ups saying that he should have been monitoring XANA more, and not letting it come this far, Odd was upset by not knowing that they were out of arrows. But everyone was going through all of the things they could have done differently that might have saved her as the tears fell.

"What do you think would happen if we turned to supercomputer off and on again, maybe it would reboot Lyoko and she would still be there," Odd suggested. Everyone looked at them.

"I don't think it will work but It couldn't hurt," the genius responded. The group got up and took the elevator down a level still holding each other. If he wasn't so desperate, he wouldn't even have entertained the idea but he needed to do something, no matter how illogical it was.

The base of the computer was black none of the rusty gold lines and patches that normally cover the computer were there. Ulrich walked forward and pulled the lever, cutting the power. He took a breath and turned it back on. The lights came back! They all stared in shock. None of them actually thought it would work, now they were rushing up the ladder to see what they all hoped for.

The terminal was on and all sectors of Lyoko were active according to the holographic globe. They all ran to the chair that Jeremie sat on, he grabbed the headset. The terminal was starting to come back to life, and none of them dared make a sound as they waited. Finally, it was fully operational. He wasted no time as his fingers flew across the keyboard. They were moving faster than ever before. Then the monitor zoomed in on a tower in the mountain sector, and in there, their girlfriend lay still. "Aelita! Princess are you ok!" Jeremie called into the mic. She didn't move. "She-she's there but she's not moving!"

"Maybe you can devertualized her and she'll be ok!" Ulrich's voice was laced with the desperation they all felt, the same desperation that got them this far.

"It's worth a try," he tentatively typed the command to bring her in. The one he made to bring her in for the first time, he was terrified of messing up the command.

You could hear a pin drop as they went to the scanner room and waited.

Eventually, the scanner opened. She lay curled up, just as she was when she was first devitalized.

"Princess?" Yumi whispered as if she was afraid a loud noise would break her.

Aelita's eyes fluttered open as she started to stir, she groaned as she started to sit up and grasp her head. "Yumi?" Her voice was a question as she came to. She picked up the pink-haired girl, she brought her out of the scanner and to the rest of their partners This was enough of an invitation for everyone to approach crying with joy. They all showered her with love.

"Wh-what's going on? It's not like I mind the attention, but you act like I just died, or something," she smiled weakly before noticing everyone's expression growing grim.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Ulrich asked seriously.

She hesitated as though she needed to think. "We- we're stopping XANA from cloud seating I deactivated the tower, or I thought I did was I too late?!" She was rightfully terrified of the prospect of XANA succeeding.

"But That was three months ago...," Ulrich whispered.

"Does that really matter!?" Jeremie asked, "she's alive and well!" His voice was full of glee.

After Everyone calmed down Aelita asked what happened to make her partners act this way.

And they told her.

"Wow so I really did die..." she whispered, from the middle of a cuddle pile.

Everyone was so focused on the fact that she was alive, and well to realize that the other sectors are back.

XANA did and was ready to go back on the offensive, he now knows that he only needs to destroy one of them to render the rest useless.




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You have no idea how much joy I get from someone liking/commenting on my work. Also the more responses I get from you readers, the more motivation I have to write. Seriously I only got around to finishing this chapter because someone on a different platform liked all the other installments. It was waiting in my to edit list for quite some time I just didn't feel like editing.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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