Day 2

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          The next morning Adalina awoke to the sounds of a busy day. She groaned as she got out of the stiff bed, rubbing her shoulder to relieve the tension. Tiredly, she walked over to the window, she drew the curtains and found everyone in the town was outside and seemed to be hard at work on something. Quickly she got dressed and gathered her belongings, leaving to go investigate more.After asking around she found out that they were having a festival later in the day, and they were setting up decorations and stalls for it.  She knew that time was of the essence and that she couldn't stay much longer, but before leaving she asked a couple of people if they knew a William Knowlton and if they knew where he would be. Almost everyone she asked didn't know him except for one barmaid who said that she knew him, and hated his guts but knew where he was going. She told her that he was travelling to Lobertol about a two day travel from where they were now. After getting some useful information and a good breakfast, while also buying a bit of food for the road, she hopped onto her horse and started travelling again.


Tracking WilliamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora