Chapter 3 : Tibby call me hadrian

Start from the beginning

Le fay lord ring 👇

Longbottom secondary heir ring 👇

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Longbottom secondary heir ring 👇

Longbottom secondary heir ring 👇

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Mcgonagall heir ring 👇

Mcgonagall heir ring 👇

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Potter lord ring 👇

Peverell lord ring 👇

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Peverell lord ring 👇

Peverell lord ring 👇

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Black lord ring 👇

(If you guys don't like the rings please imagine whatever you like)

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(If you guys don't like the rings please imagine whatever you like)

Harry found some of the rings to be feminine but he felt connected rather than disgusted while wearing them. All the rings merged into a single one on his right hand ring finger.

Sharptooth - you can hide your rings if you want to. Only the ring you want to show would be visible to others

Harry - so what should we do now

Sharptooth - I suggest that we should visit your vaults and see their financial statements

Harry and Sharptooth left to visit the vaults one by one. Harry didn't take anything except for a few of his parents possessions.

Sharptooth - Lord Potter, this is the history of transactions from your vault after the death of lord and lady Potter

What he saw made his blood boil. Not just blocking his magical powers, dumblefuck has been stealing from him in the name of guardian funds.

Harry - I want each and every Knut back with interest as soon as possible. And I want you to invest in various companies which have a high rate of profit.

Sharptooth - you certainly are quite interesting young lord

Harry - now I want you to collect all the evidences you can get against dumbles. Even after being a hero, I don't have enough power to take him down. I need all the help I can get.

Sharptooth - everything will be done. Dumbledore has left his magical signature which the inheritance test captured. We have a solid proof that he was behind it. But it wouldn't be enough.

Harry - I know, that's why I need to train myself and free my godfather. What about my seats in Wizengamot

Sharptooth - usually children under age has a proxy act for them till they are of age. The Potter seats are being controlled by Dumbledore as your guardian. But now being the lord, you are considered legal and can claim your seats

Harry - claiming my seats wouldn't be helpful to me now as I know nothing about this world. I am going to wait for a few years, till the time just remove dumbledore as my proxy. Now how can I visit my properties

Sharptooth - this would be done. You just need to rub your ring and think of the property you want to visit

Harry thought of the Peverell manor while rubbing the ring and was soon attacked with the pull in his stomach. He felt nauseas. When he opened his eyes there was a grand castle in front of him. As soon as he took a step towards it, a tiny creature popped in front of him. It was a freaking house elf.

Elf - Greetings young lord Peverell, I am Tibby, the head elf of Peverell manor. Finally you came, we have been waiting for a new lord since decades. We have so much work to do. Animals and Elves are dying, the protections on the castle are also slowly fading away

Harry - calm down Tibby. I am going to live here from now onwards so you don't need to worry about things. Let's see what we can do to save the Elves and animals

Tibby - oh we have to do nothing. Now that you are back, we the elves and animals will soon get their power back. And soon the protections will be back as before.

Harry - that's a good news, now can you show me my room and get me all types of wizard as well as muggle clothes.

Tibby - I will be happy to serve you lord Peverell

Harry - look if we have to live together, you would have to call me Harry or Hadrian

Tibby - ok Hadrian, I will escort you to your room and when you wake up you will find your wardrobe full of clothes and other necessities.

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