The plan (Chapter 2)

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"Your stupidity always ruins my plan, you idiot child!"
:But dad, I'm just a kid I want to play, I'm too young for an obligation, I'm just 10.
"When I was your age I carry lots of obligations! Never call me Dad until you make me proud."

Kevin: Sir? What's your plan we're gonna die here.
Charlotte: Kindly give these two handsome men some tea.
: In just a minute my backup will come here and they gonna slice your head!
Charlotte: Ow my gosh, holy chickens!
I'm so scared, Panicking rn. Charlotte said while looking at me and giving me a killer smile.
Charlotte: Well yeah, I know your father killed my Dad well thanks to him It's a great opportunity for me. I can give our company to you without trying to kill me you're just losing your men.
Kevin: Omg how did you figure it out?
Charlotte: because I'm a genius woman my chickens. Follow my commands for 1 month then you can already kill me take the drugs and even our whole company
: What do you mean?
Charlotte: Well I kinda losing interest in living but I don't want to die either I want to experience some things before I die and you will be part of it!
:Why would I believe you? This is just a setup your gonna kill me secretly.
Charlotte: Ow Delton big Delton tsk tsk,
Your stupidity is running again. If I want to kill you then I should do it now? I have my word, Mr.Delton Im just an underboss just like you, We have our word.
:Give us some time to think!
Charlotte: okay then.
Kevin: We might kill you. Be prepared miss
Charlotte- No no no you can't kill me there are lots of passwords in my dad's business once you kill me then your done, I'll just give you 24hrs to think.

Charlotte let us out my gun and men's have been taken away. We go to our hideout to talk about Charlotte's plan

Kevin: Sir let's deal with her!
:What if she killed us?
Kevin: If she killed us then at least your father will be proud of you.
:Wtf Kevin are you trying to convince me? Which side are you huh?
Kevin- Just saying, Sir.
It's been an hour since she let us leave
7 hours left before the due, and I still don't know what will I do
:Kevin if Charlotte kills me press your belt's button this will give my Dad awareness.
Kevin: Wow, Sir yes this is so beautiful. Thank you.

Kevin is like a child liking simple things, complementing small things, he always wears his smile, and He always supports me.

After an hour we call Charlotte on her phone by the number she gave to us
-we're on 

:Fuxk where does Charlotte lives It's been an hour since you pick us up! You stowpid driver.

Kevin: Sir they pick us up at 10:30 so we've been blindfolded for 30 mins, not an hour.

:Kevin! Ah, you moron!

Charlotte: Welcome back boys well you agree to our deal, to assure you that I'm not gonna kill you I will be on your side for 24/7 without any bodyguards  I don't have any guns tho plus if I killed you, your father might get angry and kill me too. In 1 month you will follow my commands at the end of the month you will get my father's business.


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