Chapter 14: Eruption

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"You bowl like a theatre nerd," Zola yelled as Njabulo made another failed attempt at knocking down more than two pins (his personal best).

"Hey, I'm sitting right here. I also have more points than both of you combined." Siya retorted. As flustered as he was about the Zola and Njabulo situation he had decided that he would not spend the day thinking about how the girl he liked - though he would not admit it- was in a situationship with his best friend.

Sihle, who had the second-highest score so far, tapped Zola's arm and leaned into her, "Hey, when is Noah Showing up?" She asked out of curiosity and excitement at meeting the person Zola held in such high regard.

Zola immediately started looking around as if he would be there when she turned, "He said he would be about an hour late." She sighed. She had not told anyone this -mostly because she was in denial about it- but her relationship with Noah had become strained over the last couple of months. Zola was looking forward to seeing Noah because she was afraid that sooner or later he would also excuse himself from her life and she wished with all her heart that that was not the case.

The bowling alley was turning out to be a lot more fun than Zola thought it would, she was hesitant at first because none of them knew how to bowl, but the atmosphere and the pretty purple lights made her feel like it was a great decision to go there. Siya was in the middle of another celebratory dance after hitting another strike when a familiar voice called out to Zola.

"So this is where you've been hiding." 

A chill crept up her spine and she turned to face the source of the voice, "JB," Zola said and sighed with exasperation. JB and his dumb posse were the last things that she needed today. "What are you doing all the way out here," Zola asked.

"This mall has karaoke. What, did you think I tracked you down and found out where you were because I was looking for you? I see your ego hasn't gotten any smaller." JB said.

"I see you're still an unmet requirement with a dirty ass," She retorted plainly.

Instead of responding JB looked behind Zola and saw her friends, "New friends I see," he said, "Have you shown them how batshit crazy you are and why no one wants to be around you?" JB chuckled, "Even your little friend Noah is glad your stupid friendship is finally over."

That last comment set something off inside Zola's head, "Are you done JB?" She asked calmly. 

"No, I think your friends need a little story time. Do they even know why you moved to Edgeview?" JB said. Zola's face stiffened slightly because she had not told her friends about everything. Not that she was obligated to.

Njabulo moved from where he was standing and stood next to Zola, his tall frame towering over her and JB, "I think it's time for you to leave," He said to JB with a stoic look on his face. 

Jason, a member of JB's gang of nobodies, looked at Zola with his hands in his pockets, "I think you should tell your little boyfriend to shove it." 

"Voetsek Jason! You little minion," Zola said as she accurately threw a R5 coin at Jason that landed on his forehead, "Go buy a banana and let Gru and I talk," She said to the pale boy. 

"JB, you half-baked cheesecake," She continued, "You may look like the villain out of a cheesy 80's high school movie but you should know that no one here is going to entertain you, so why don't you go find your will to live elsewhere, okay?."

JB's smirk quickly turned into a scowl. As big of a jerk as he was JB was the type of guy who could not take what he dished out. Being insulted in front of his friends severely bruised his enormous ego. So obviously, he had to have the last word.

"What? Did your mom leave with your sense of humour?" JB asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning towards Zola tauntingly. Siya and Sihle shared a look and Njabulo slightly turned his head to look at Zola.  

Zola looked up at JB and balled her fists, "What did you just say to me?" She asked in a low voice, almost daring JB to repeat what he said.

"Oh, you didn't hear me? I'll just say it again, " JB started, "When your mommy abandoned you-"

JB could not finish his sentence because Zola's fist had connected with his jaw. 

"Saying it again I fucking dare you!" 

Njabulo held her back while Siya and Sihle tried to keep JB and friends away from her, trying to calm the whole crew down was a task in itself. JB threw insult after insult at Zola, who was still thrashing in Njabulo's arms looking for another cheek to assault. 

 Pandemonium pursued at the bowling alley until security escorted everyone out. The group's separated. One left with a bruised cheek, the other with pained knuckles. Zola looked like a little ball of fury as she stormed out of the mall muttering and mumbling to herself. 

Once they were outside she stopped abruptly and turned to her friends, "I MEAN WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?! THAT UNSEASONED SIDE SALAD!" 

They all looked at her wide-eyed, afraid to say anything that might trigger her and earn them a punch -or worse. Sihle had called Zola's father and it was a matter of time till he arrived. They found a bench to sit, wait, and watch Zola pace back and forth in front of them. They spoke not in words but through exchanging looks with each other. 

A phone buzzed. It was Zola's. She had gotten a text from Noah...

Hey, doesn't look like I'll make it today. 

We can still hang out some other time though.

Zola looked at the screen for a moment, she clutched the phone even harder and in a swift motion, without a second thought, she flung the phone towards the concrete. She looked at her shattered mobile and screamed in what seemed to be anger, frustration or pain. 

It seemed Zola had a flair for the dramatic, because why would you ever deal with any emotion in a logical way when you could have the option of absolutely losing your mind? 

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