8. as the world caves in

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ch. 8
as the world caves in


'and here it is, our final night alive
and as the earth burns to the ground
oh, girl, it's you that i lie with
as the atom bomb locks in
oh, it's you i watch tv with
as the world, as the world caves
oh, it's you that i lie with
as the atom bomb locks in
yes, it's you i welcome death with
as the world, as the world caves in
as the world caves in.'

- matt maltese


i roll over in my bed at the sound of the alarm - i didn't want this to end. i slowly wake up and put on my flight suit and my father's helmet, quiet tears falling from my face as i try to keep it together.

i make my way down to the hangar where a large plane awaits to take me and the other pilots to the carrier. i look back at the hangar one last time before walking aboard.

i see rooster, sitting at the end of the plane with his foot resting on the back of the chair in front of him. he glanced up at me and jumps out of his seat and wraps his arms around me.

i sigh, trying not to lose my composition before the mission even starts. we make our way back to our seats and prepare for takeoff.

the flight was bumpy, the air was coarse. it was mostly quiet on the plane, other than the occasional snicker from hangman or joke from payback.

rooster held my hand the entire way. i felt the anxiety begin to hit me as we landed on the carrier. we walk down the ramp and i can feel the air blowing through my hair.

we all make our way down to the conference room and await maverick's arrival. i didn't imagine this is how i would act before the mission - i laugh with my friends and smile at my lover as we are about to complete one of the most dangerous missions of our lives.

we all make our way back to our positions and face forward as we hear maverick's loud boots walk down the stairs.

"it has been an honor flying with you all," he starts, walking to the front of the room "each one of you represents the best of the best. this is a very specific mission. my choices are a reflection of that and nothing more."

𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑹 𝒁𝑶𝑵𝑬  ✸ b. bradshawМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя