Chapter 2

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- - tackyTweak [TT] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA] - -

TT: sup dude !t's eredea btw
TA: oh hey
TT: s✪ uh- h✪w r u?
TA: eh ok ii gue22
TA: ii got liike 15 miinute2 of 2leep la2t niight
TT: lma✪ me t✪✪
TA: ehehe
TT: s✪✪✪ wuts ur fav game
TA: uhhhhh ii have no clue tbh
TA: ii liike way two many game2 rn
TT: ya same here
TT: s✪ uhhh d✪ u wanna g✪ meet up ✪r smth?
TA: 2ure but where do we go
TT: what abt that fr✪zen musclebeast nectar place near the dr✪ne ✪ff!ce?
TA: 2ure at wut tiime 2hould we go
TT: maybe l!ke at 3:00 pm?
TA: alriight ii'll 2ee you there!
TT: k byeeee!!
TA: bye

- - tackyTweak [TT] ceased trolling twinArmageddons [TA] - -

(fantroll) Eredea Avepia x Sollux Captor Where stories live. Discover now