❄Chapter 3❄

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Y/n Pov.

We heard a girls voice as we were about to exit the forest. She leapt off of a small cliff landing in front of us blocking our path.

She turned toward us.

?: "May the Anemo God protect you strangers."

After she said that she made a salute.

Amber: "I am Amber. Outrider of the Knights of Favonious."

Amber: "You all don't look like citizens of Mondstat. Explain yourselves."

Paimon: "W-wait we're not looking for trouble."

Amber looked at Paimon.

Amber: "That's what all the trouble makers say."

Before anything could happen I stepped between the two. I do not need a random fight.

You: "Woah! We are not looking for a fight we just need some help."

Amber stared at me for a minute. I thought I might have made her more suspicious of us.

She had a small blush she had on her face, which Aether noticed.

He pulled me away from Amber by the wrist.

Aether: "My name is Aether..and this is Y/n."

Amber glared at us (mostly Aether).

Amber: "Doesn't sound like a local name to me."

She looked at Paimon.

Amber: "And this....mascot, what's the deal with it?"

Aether: "It's emergency food."

I snorted and tried not to laugh, but I failed and started laughing.

Paimon on the other hand was offended, she looked at him stomping her foot in the air.

Paimon: "Hey! That's worse than being a mascot! And Y/n stop laughing!"

I wiped my imaginary tears in my eyes.

You: "Hehe. Sorry paimon, but it caught me so off guard."

Amber: "Anyway. So to sum it up. You three are traveling partners right?"

Aether smirked as he laid a hand around my waist pulling me closer to him as I stared at him confused.

Aether: "That is correct."

Amber glared at Aether with pure rage and jealousy, but brushed it for now and looked at me.

Amber: Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around Mondstat recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible.

Amber: "It's not far from here. I'll escort you there...and Aether can come too."

You: "But it kinda looks like your out for another reason."

Amber: "I am. But don't worry. I can keep you safe while doing that too."

Amber: "Besides...I'm still not sure if I can trust you all just yet!" 'Especially that boy.'

You: "Why are so suspicious of us? We didn't do anything.

Amber: "Oh, ahh...I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight."

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