" my whole body hurts " " my mouth too " i say while trying to walk

" is your dad home " robin asks
" no he doesn't get him till 1 tonight " " why " i say looking at him
" let's just ditch school and go to your house and clean you up " " and then we can rest and go look for finney later " he says smiling at me

" but i can barley walk, someone would notice us walking out since i'm gonna be walking slow " i say
" most people will be at lunch so if we- " he cuts him self off
" just follow me " he says grabbing my backpack and his
" you brought our backpacks ? " i say looking at him
" yeah hold them real quick " he says while handing them to me and opening the bathroom door
we're mid way stepping out when he literally picks me up
" w-what the hell " i say slightly yelling out of shock
he starts running out of school and to the sidewalk across the street

i finally puts me down
" did anyone see us " he asks
" am i not heavy ? " i ask him avoiding his question
" no your really not " he says sighing
" now come on let's get to your house " he says pulling my arm and we start walking to my house

we get to my house and i unlock the door
robin puts his arm around my waist and helps me walk to the bathroom
" sit down " he says getting the rubbing alcohol and cotten balls

" how many times have you done this to me " i say slightly laughing
" like 4 times " he says laughing and rubbing the alcohol on my nose
and a cut i have on my arm

" i'm gonna kill them leah " he says looking at me
" no we're gonna kill them " " they were saying shit about finney " i say

i get up off the toilet and spit into the sink
" my mouth hurts like hell " i say looking at him
" it looks like it's coming from the inside of your lip " he says while getting up
" come on let's change your shirt " he says while grabbing my hand and pulling me up

we walk over to my room
and i open my closet and grab and black floral mesh bell sleeve top and a white top to go underneath it

( look up what it is if you wanna know what it looks like )

robin is starring at me hard

" are you gonna turn around or what dipshit ? " i say jokingly
" right.. right " he says turning around
" so what are we gonna do now " i say while putting on the shirts
" i don't know wanna play monopoly ? " he asks still turned around
" yeah sure and you can look now " i say giggling

we walk over to the closet in the hallway and grab monopoly then walk over to the living room

we set up everything and play

it's been about 20 minutes
" damn it im out " robin says
" yeah that's why you don't spend all your money on places " i say laughing

i get up and walk over to the kitchen counter
and pour my self a glass of water

" what time is it " he says while putting monopoly away
i look at the clock

" it's 2:46 pm " " why " i say
while taking a sip of my water

" shouldn't gwen be home by now ? " he says slightly worried
" we got out 6 minutes ago calm down robin " i say laughing
" and doesn't it take 4 minutes to walk to walk here from school ? " he says standing up

" i mean i guess it does " i say

we both look at eachother and run to the front door and robin swings it open

" oh uh hi guys " gwen says
" i thought you got kidnapped leah " she says while nervously laughing and walking past us to her room

robin arellano x leah blakeWhere stories live. Discover now