39 | I'm Here With You My Love

Start from the beginning

"Ah.. hurts.. hah.." He cried in pain, murmuring.
"Hahhhh" Jimin suddenly sat straight, gasping loudly. Jungkook looked at him with moist eyes. Jimin panted and looked around scared. "Jimi-"

"Alpha..." Jimin broke down in tears, attaching himself to his chest. It breaks Jungkook's heart hearing him cry this painfully. "Alpha... Someone was trying to kill me... It was me... I saw myself in the dark room."

Jungkook rubbed his back up & down, and released pheromones to help calm Jimin's nerves. "You are safe. You are safe omega..." He assured him, kissing his head. Jimin pressed further in his body. He was shivering.

"Are you cold?" Jungkook asked, wrapping a blanket around them both. "I was alone there... No one was with me... I..." Jimin sobbed faintly. Jungkook's pheromones were working on him.

Jungkook stretched back to get the glass of water. Jimin refused at first, but Jungkook convinced him to take a little sip. The omega was thirsty. "It was scary alpha... Who was he? Why was he so cruel?" Jimin asked innocently.

"He was a devil Jimin. Devils always go behind angels."

Jimin sobbed. Jungkook rocked him back & forth. His slight trembling stopped. His body was still cold. They stayed like that for all night. Because Jimin was not able to sleep after that.

"Everytime I close my eyes, I see that darkness. I don't wanna be alone alpha..." Jimin said.

Jungkook engulfed him in hug again. "You won't be alone. I'm here with you my love."

Jimin was really grateful. Once his head could believe that he was not alone, his focus turned to notice Jungkook's heartbeats. They were almost lulling him to sleep. He tried but he couldn't sleep.


In the morning, Jungkook asked for Prince Hoseok, who used his healing powers on Jimin so that he could sleep in the daytime. Jungkook never left his side for the day. He wanted to be there with him even if he was sleeping.


When Jimin woke up in the afternoon, he found Jungkook looking at him. Jimin smiled weakly to him before cuddling with him. Jungkook caressed his head.

"Your book is shining... New chapters must be up." Jungkook murmured lowly. Jimin shook his head. "I don't wanna read it now." He said.

"I understand... Take your time Jimin." Jungkook said, kissing his head. Jimin parted from the hug. "I mean, I won't read it ever...." He said, and got up to sit.

"I know it was a rough phase. But if you never turn the page, you will be stuck here only. Who knows what other chapters have in store for you." Jungkook tried to convince him.

Jimin didn't reply immediately, but he does understand that Jungkook is right. "As I said, take your time omega." Jungkook said again, encircling his arm around Jimin's shoulder, and placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.

Jungkook climbed down from the bed. "Where are you going?" Jimin asked anxiously. "Don't go please..." He pleaded.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you alone. I just need to use bathroom..." Jungkook assured him. Jimin nodded, and climbed down the bed too.

"Let's go. I'm coming with you..."


A man covered in black robe sneakily entered the dark hut. Jimin looked at the door, thinking why was the king back so early. His bruises were not even healed yet.

But the person who entered was someone Jimin has never seen before. "Who are you...." He asked in his wavering voice.

"Omega Prince...." The man said. He was younger than the king. But the way he took Jimin's name, it made Jimin's stomach churn badly.

"Ahjussi... Who are you?" Jimin asked, but the man started undressing. Jimin's eyes widened, and his heart started beating extremely fast. He was scared.

"What are you doing ahjussi..." He kept asking, looking around the room, to find anything to protect himself. His eyes were watering up badly, he wasn't able to look clearly.

"I have been a bodyguard for all my adult life. But I never got any body under me. You are a royal blood. Won't you feel amaging!" The man started talking that wasn't making much sense to a 13 year old Jimin.

"What do you mean... Ahjussi why are you taking your pants off..." Jimin cried his eyes out, covering them with his hands.

The man was naked, with a cloth covering his genitals that looked vulgar to look at. He jumped on Jimin who fell down with a thud.

"Oh ho.. I can't ruin your already ruined clothes or else the king will know right... Let me get them off of you!" He said and forcefully removed his already torn robe.

Jimin screamed, covering himself with his arms wrapped around him. "No matter how loud you scream omega prince, people will think king is here..." He laughed.

The man eyed Jimin's skin with dirt in his mind, and lust in his eyes. "Even if you live in such bad conditions, your body is white & glowing..." He said caressing his sides, starting from his shoulder, and coming down to his waist.

Jimin screamed again. He was feeling disgusted by the man's touch. "Leave me alone... Don't touch me..." He cried moving back, but the man hooked his fingers in his pants' belt now.

"NOOOOOO" Jimin screamed. The man only laughed. He traced Jimin's genitals from above the cloth. He was about to go further, but he sensed someone strong coming towards the hut.

He got alarmed and put on his clothes before running away. Leaving a scar on Jimin's soul. Jimin kept crying, but no one came to check on him. He put on his robe back with trembling hands. He tightly tied the strings, and fell down on the floor again, weeping.

This was the main breaking point in his life. The sync between his omega form & human form was broken.

No one came to him after that event. Jimin used to spend his days lifelessly there. Not even the king showed up. He was just given food & water on time, along with an hour of sun everyday.

Jimin closed the book and placed it away from his eyesight. His stomach was churning so bad, while he also felt the sensations in his body, like he was still being touched.

Jimin's head buzzed and he clutched it with his hands. Jungkook entered the room at that time. "Jimin..."

"Don't come close..." Jimin stopped him with the movement of his hand. Jungkook thought Jimin was again not recognising him as his mate.

"Jimin... I'm your mate..."

"Don't come close to me alpha... I'm... I'm tainted... I shouldn't be your mate..." Jimin sobbed, sinking his head in his knees, and hugging himself.

Jungkook was relieved Jimin remembers him, but he doesn't understand what Jimin meant by that. He doesn't know because even Minseo didn't know about the omega prince getting molested in his childhood.

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(1.72K Words)

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