Chapter 4 - Suspicious

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Copes pov

"Do you think they knew about this?" Eun asked. "I guess we were stupid to choose a Coffee Shop to discuss." Namjoon said. " How about a shopping Mall?" Suga said. "That is a great idea. Everyone search the documents about them , so we could find a clue. After that everyone to the mall." 

Jinnie pov

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Jinnie pov

" Jinnieeeeee!" Hyunjin shouted. "Yes, Brother." " My black hoodie is ripped off" "So, You want me to buy a new one??" Jinnie said. " You are the best sister ever!" Hyunjin said.

" There are so many black hoodie, wait is that officer Eun

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" There are so many black hoodie, wait is that officer Eun. What are they talking about?" Jinnie said while choosing a hoodie.

" I just remembered that girl who was sitting next us at the coffee shop, came in with us and went out with us . That is suspicious right."  Eun said. " Kind of suspicious but I don't think so." Suga said. 

" Officer Kim is acting suspiciously these days." Taehyung said. " Enough guys, Did you find a clue about them." Namjoon said. " No" Everyone said.

" These fools never gonna find us" Jinnie said with a smirk.

" Ok guys, I decided to go to the Black market, I need everyone to go to the black markets located in different places. Now start it." Namjoon said.

Everyone agreed to his plan but Jinnie knew that people in black market don't even know a word about them.

Mafia pov

" I bought a Black hoodie Hyunjin " Jinnie said. " Thanks sis." " I met the copes, they are going to black market." " Ha ha ha, such a time waste " Bang Chan said. " And they have started to pay attention officer Kim." " His time is over, End him Hyunjin."  "Ok, Boss"

3 Hours Later ....

" Officer Namjoon, I need to inform you that your friend officer Kim is Dead." corporal Chan-yeol said. " What? But how?" " He was shooted in his head." 

" Taehyung I guess you are right " Namjoon said.

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