"How peculiar. Heizou are you sure this house is abandoned?" Kazuha asked.

"Of course, why would anyone willingly live in the middle of nowhere?" He replied.

The six of you approached the house and walked over an aged stone bridge that went over a small thin river. You suddenly felt some cool water droplets make contact with your skin. It was raining. And quickly, it started raining HARD. And then thunder began roaring. You all ran towards the house and quickly Heizou swung open the door. The interior was cold. There was a fireplace in the corner, a large dirty glass chandelier, and a spiral staircase that led to upper floor.

"Gah! It's freezing in here!" Kuki exclaimed, crossing her arms and shivering.

Yanfei reached into her backpack and took out a lighter. "I'll start a fire."

Xiao seemed to be focused on something else. "I'm going to explore upstairs.

"Be careful." Warned Kazuha.

Yanfei walked to the fireplace as Xiao started ascending the staircase. As the fire began to spread on the wood you heard a loud shriek come from upstairs. You quickly gave each other concerned glances before running to see what had happened. As you reached the top of the staircase you were shocked to see Xiao unharmed. You were even more shocked to see him standing besides Hu Tao and Sucrose. Chongyun was also there, but he was lying on the ground, pretty shaken up.

"S-sp-spider..." He stuttered.

Kazuha backed up slightly and exclaimed,"Where?!"

"Get up!" You yelled, dragging Chongyun to his feet.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Heizou asked.

"Welllll, the Occult Club was given an anonymous tip  about a house with a ton of paranormal activity and I knew I just HAD to see it!" Hu Tao replied. She was energetic, per usual.

"Oh. So were you the ones who turned on the lights?" Kuki asked.

"No, those were on when we got here." Sucrose answered. The two green haired girls stared each other in the eyes, both were visibly nervous.

"The mystery continues to grow, this is a job for the Occult Club!" Hu Tao announced.

"Hey! That's my line! And it's a job for the Detective Club!" Heizou rebutted.

"It's a job for both clubs. Instead of standing around we should start exploring." You said. You were still comforting Chongyun, who was still pretty shaken up.

"We should split up and look for clues as to what's going on here." Yanfei suggested.

"That's how people die in horror movies!" Chongyun shouted."

"I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself. C'mon Yanfei. Kuki said as she and Yanfei walked along the corridor and entered a different room.

Hu Tao grabbed her fellow club members hands. "Chongyun, Sucrose, let's go. I wanna see you guys get scared~."

"I'm not scared! I'm gonna exorcise the hell out of this place. I just hope there's no more spiders..." Chongyun said as Hu Tao led dragged him down the stairs.

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