Chapter 1 - Just a normal walk home, right?

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Ugh........ such a weird dream.

I abruptly wake up with a throbbing headache and a sore jaw. Great, just what i needed. I look around, rubbing my eyes to help me wake up.

I'm in one of my classrooms, the one from last period. It's dark, the only lights in the room were from the crack under the door leading to the hallway, and moonlight from the windows.

I guess i feel asleep again, well obviously. Third time this week too. It may not be the most comfortable, but it's still better sleep than i get at home at night, i think.

I check my phone. It reads "18:38", and with text messages from both Xingchen and Teto, in separate and the group chats, as well as two missed phone calls.

"Shit", i mutter to myself, with a good case of morning voice, or evening in this case, since I just woke up. But much more guttural than usual.

We were going to get food and hang out afterschool today. They were both really looking forward to it too. I'm such an idiot, at least I hope they had fun without me. Hopefully more fun than if I was there. "What a fucking idiot you are," I say ridiculing myself for my sheer stupidity.

And i think i missed music practice, or was that tomorrow? That's not important right now, I probably should get going.

You'd think i'd have more than two friends cause of my current music gig, but no. Mainly due to the rumors of my morally questionable antics back in middle school. And at this point i'm too exhausted to bother with being nice. As you would assume, it usually deters people from actively engaging in conversations with me. It usually doesn't bother me to much though, it's probably for the best that a good chunk of people don't like me. "Brain, stop it, I currently don't have time for making fun of myself."

I carefully got my things together, to make sure i had all of them, and got up to leave the classroom. I also double checked that i hadn't accidentally drooled on the desk again. Which I didn't, thankfully.

I exited the classroom, and entered the hallway from there. The ceiling lights were quite jarring to my eyes, especially in contrast to the previous dark room.

As i was walking to the exit, i felt a pit of anxiety swell in my stomach. As much as i tried to brush it off as nothing, it didn't work. My usually fast walking pace slowed to what I guess would be considered a normal speed as a got closer to the exit. The lights in the hallway started turning off one by one, I suppose most people are finishing or are already finished for the night here. It almost reminded me if a horror movie.

I turn around once more just to make sure there's no one behind me. As it should be, there's no one there. "Dumbass, stop worrying you're fine." My shaky voice not doing me any favours to calm myself down.

I was finally at the exit of the building. I stood there for a good few seconds, then suddenly and forcefully i opened the door. Because otherwise I probably would've stood there for at least five minutes, thinking, worrying of all the horrific things that could be outside of it.

The night air is surprisingly brisk, it sends a chill up my spine, causing my neck to jerk, as it sometimes does. It was completely dark, with the exception of the moonlight. I slowly start walking around. I knew i should be gettting home, but i really didn't want to. That sense of anxious fear only got worse, now that i was outside. At least i didn't yet have the feeling someone was always behind me. Though it would probably start any second now.

I decided to distract myself for a few minutes, as to hopefully calm myself down, at least a little. I take a deep breath in and breathe out forcefully, noticing that my heart beat was racing.

I first take notice of one of the lights in a school window lit. Probably that one teacher who likes to exclusively do work at school, most likely still grading things. Or one of the guards, bit of an odd spot for guarding if that's the case. I couldn't be sure, since I saw it from the outside of the building and couldn't figure out which room is which.

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