Chapter 14 -𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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A Few Days Later
Quinn's Apartment

Giselle : -rings doorbell-
Quinn : -opens door-
Gisele : You're still not ready?! Girl the party starts in thirty minutes!!
Quinn : Oh
Giselle : Are....are you calling off the wedding?
Quinn : What? No I just want to be late and come back early with the excuse that I don't feel good..
Giselle : Have you told anyone about your pregnancy?
Quinn : No but I'm telling Emiliano tonight.
Giselle : And Alessandro.
Quinn : No just Emiliano.
Giselle : That's not fair Quinn. That baby could be Alessandro's! It probably is.
Quinn : I already told you that I'm going to say it's Emiliano's!
Giselle : Oh my god! -facepalm-
Quinn : Can you help me get ready?
Giselle : Yeah come on..

Since my hair is already wavy Giselle just helped untangle it and make it a bit more shiny. While she did my hair I did my makeup and got dressed. We managed to get me ready in under an hour.

Quinn: How do I look?
Gisele : Absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
Quinn : Thank you..
Giselle : Ready?
Quinn : -sigh- Yes whatever has to happen will happen.
Giselle : Everything will be okay.. Deep breathes!
Quinn : Let's go, Emiliano and I will meet outside the house.


Giselle : Oh Mark is here!
Quinn : Let's go

Mancini Mansion

Leonardo : You good?Alessandro : The love of my life is celebrating her engagement to someone else how do you I think I feel? Leonardo : Pft the love your life

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Leonardo : You good?
Alessandro : The love of my life is celebrating her engagement to someone else how do you I think I feel?
Leonardo : Pft the love your life.
Alessandro : I'm serious!
Leonardo : Alright alright! Calmati! (Calm down)
Marissa : Who would've thought we'd become in laws.
Leonardo : I don't and won't consider you family. -walks away-
Alessandro : Ignore him
Marissa : He hates me.
Alessandro : He's just mad.
Marissa : Oh they're here!!

I turned to look at the entrance. Everyone was clapping as Emiliano entered looking very happy with Quinn holding onto his arm.
She looks absolutely gorgeous Ike always. I noticed her eyes weren't glowing with happiness like they used to when I first met her.

Marissa : Congratulations sweetie!! I'm so so happy for you! The both of you!
Quinn : Thank you mom..
Alessandro : Congratulations future Mrs Mancini!
Marissa : All I know is I want a grandchild!
Catherine : I second that!

Oh mom, if only you knew...

Fabio : Let's all toast in honor of Emiliano and Quinn's engagement!

A waiter started giving everyone a glass of champagne or red wine.
Ah shit I can't drink..
I grabbed the cup but didn't drink.

Everyone : Cheers!!


Liza : Hey!
Catherine : Oh hey you made it!!
Liza : Of course! Thank you for inviting me!
Catherine : Quinn come here!
Quinn : Yes?
Catherine : Liza this is Quinn my future daughter in law. Quinn this is my friend Liza.
Liza : Lovely to meet you!!
Quinn : Feeling is mutual...

𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora