Chapter 10 - 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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The Next Day
Compagnia Di Espresso
( Expresso Company)

Quinn : -knock- Alessandro : Come in!Quinn : -walks in- HiAlessandro : You're on time

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Quinn : -knock-
Alessandro : Come in!
Quinn : -walks in- Hi
Alessandro : You're on time.
Quinn : I was late ONE time!
Alessandro : -laugh- Don't do it again.
Quinn : What are you going to do? Fire me?
Alessandro : I might
Quinn : ....
Alessandro : What can I help you with?
Quinn : We have a pending conversation.
Alessandro : Right..
Quinn : Alessandro, I love our friendship I really do but- at this point we're not just friends..
Alessandro : There's this thing between us.
Quinn : A thing that can't grow.
Alessandro : Then? What do you propose we do?
Quinn : Not to get too close to each other for starters.
Alessandro : You do realize we'll be bumping into each other everywhere right?
Quinn : Unfortunately
Alessandro : I'll try not to make a move.
Quinn : Please
Alessandro : Is that all ma'am?
Quinn : Can you not push me away though?
Alessandro : I apologize for that and I won't!
Quinn : You do realize you're my father in law right?
Alessandro : I don't see a wedding ring, So no I'm not.
Quinn : -laugh- You know what I mean!
Alessandro : Sure
Quinn : ...
Alessandro : Go on we have work to do.
Quinn : Bossy much?
Leonardo : -walks in- Hello- oh
Quinn : I'll be at my desk boss.
Leonardo : Quinn wait!
Quinn : Yes?
Leonardo : I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't have anything against you. Just your parents. You see-
Quinn : Yeah yeah I get my parents fucked up. That's between you guys. I don't want to get involved.
Leonardo : Thanks for understanding.
Quinn : Sure -walks out-
Leonardo : What happened after I left?
Alessandro : A lot
Leonardo : Did you fight him?
Alessandro : No
Leonardo : Why not?
Alessandro : Because we're mature adults and decided to leave the past in the past.
Leonardo : Just like that? You forgave him just like that?!
Alessandro : Yes and?
Leonardo : What do you mean and?! He betrayed you!!
Alessandro : His apology was sincere! What's the point of fighting over something that happened twenty five years ago? They're happily married. We all have to get along for the sake of Quinn and Emiliano's relationship.
Leonardo : I rather not go to any of their reunions.
Alessandro : Then don't go.
Leonardo : What else happened?
Alessandro : Quinn and I...
Leonardo : Again?! Bro that's not right!
Alessandro : We just talked and I told her no more.
Leonardo : You know what you should do?
Alessandro : Do I want to know?
Leonardo : Get a distraction! Let's go to the club tonight and get yourself a hot hook up.
Alessandro : No
Leonardo : Oh come on! You've only slept with two women in your entire life.
Alessandro :  You don't know that.
Leonardo : Am I wrong?
Alessandro : I'm not going to answer that.
Leonardo : We're going to the club tonight and that's final!

L A T E R - L U N C H

Quinn : Ugh yesterday was bad!
Giselle : Oh tell me the tea!
Quinn : First we find out Alessandro is my mother'a ex fiancé.
Giselle : Stop!!
Quinn : Since it happened twenty five years ago and I'm twenty four almost twenty five- we thought he was my father at one point..
Giselle : He's not right?
Quinn : Oh hell no! Thankfully..
Giselle : Relieved
Quinn : Very!!
Giselle : Then?
Quinn : We kissed....again.
Giselle : Oh my god Quinny..
Quinn : It's bad I know..
Giselle : No wonder they say forbidden fruit is the best. Been there done that.
Quinn : You?
Giselle : Remember Miguel?
Quinn : Oh yeah!! Did he actually get the divorce?
Giselle : Mhm
Quinn : Did he keep looking for you?
Giselle : You don't know how much he begged me to take him back. But it was too late.
Quinn : That just proves Alessandro isn't and never will be for me.
Giselle : More like the other way around. You're forbidden in this case.
Quinn : Yeah..
Giselle : I mean- at least you're not married.
Quinn : No but it's just as bad.
Giselle : I don't know what to tell ya.
Quinn : Gigi- I'm going crazy! That man is- woah..
Giselle : Are you catching feelings or is it just an attraction?
Quinn : I don't know but whenever he's close to me I completely shut down. My body takes over and acts before thinking..
Giselle : You're going to catch feelings sooner or later. Trust me! That's if you haven't already.
Quinn : Don't tell me that! Things are already hard enough..
Giselle : I'm more worried about Emiliano honestly. Poor guy..
Quinn : I can't do this to him..
Giselle : So you still choose Emiliano?
Quinn : What choice do I have? I don't want to hurt him..
Giselle : Maybe you won't hurt him but you'll be hurting Alessandro in the end. He's catching feelings here. And feelings always get stronger in most cases. The only way he can stop is by meeting someone else.
Quinn : ....
Giselle : You know what you need? A night out! Let's go out for drinks!
Quinn : Yeah I think that's what I need..
Giselle : Great! See you at our club at nine.
Quinn : I'll be there!

And then my lunch ended so I had to go back to work. After my conversation with Alessandro we've barely had any contact today. He's been busy with phone calls and a few meetings. Before I knew it, it was time to go. I was in the elevator when-

Alessandro : Wait!!!

Alessandro ran and managed to get in the elevator with me before the door could close.

Quinn : Hi
Alessandro : Hello..
Quinn : Going home?
Alessandro : Uh I'm actually going with Leonardo. You?
Quinn : Going out with a friend.
Alessandro : What about Emiliano?
Quinn : He went home remember?
Alessandro : Oh right..

-elevator doors open-

Alessandro, like the gentleman he is, he walked me all the way to my car.

Quinn : Thank you..
Alessandro : Goodnight
Quinn : -smile- Night

We both got into our cars and drove away. He went one way and I went the other.

I didn't bother going home to change.
I went straight to the club and of course Giselle was already there.


Giselle : You made it!!!
Quinn : Obvi!
Waiter : What can I get you ladies?
Quinn : An entire bottle of Vodka.
Giselle : I don't plan on getting too drunk.
Quinn : Well I do!
Waiter : I'll be back with the bottle.
Quinn : So how are you babe? How's your life?
Giselle : Not as interesting as yours.
Quinn : Oh my god...
Giselle : -laugh- I'm good! I'm happy!
Quinn : How's wedding planning?
Giselle : I'm enjoying it. Everything is good so far!
Quinn : That's good..
Giselle : Do you see yourself married to Emiliano one day..?
Quinn : I don't want to think about marriage right now.
Giselle : Are you avoiding my question?
Quinn : Yes, yes I am.
Waiter : Here's the bottle of Vodka.
Quinn : Thank you!! Cheers!!
Giselle : To what?
Quinn : being Friday!
Giselle : Eh I guess. Cheers!

Alessandro : Of all clubs this one?!
Leonardo : What's wrong with this one?
Alessandro : I met Quinn here..
Leonardo : Oh no- we're not allowed to say that Q word tonight got it? You're here to get laid!
Alessandro : No
Leonardo : Yes, look at the blonde over there. She's hot! Go for it!
Alessandro : ....
Leonardo : Come on bro! It'll help you get over your daughter in law.
Alessandro : She's not my daughter in law!
Leonardo : Whatever but you'll get over her if you explore other women! Start off with the blonde in the purple dress.
Alessandro : Leo..
Leonardo : Just try it. Just tonight. See if it helps or not.
Alessandro : .....Fine

I drank my glass of Whiskey before standing up to  make my way towards the blonde who was on the dance floor.

Alessandro : Hey beautiful..
Liza : Oh hi handsome!
Alessandro : I noticed you dancing from afar.
Liza : And? What did you think?
Alessandro : You've seduced me.
Liza : Oh have I now?
Alessandro : Want me to show you?
Liza : Go ahead!

Giselle : Um...
Quinn : What?
Giselle : Isn't that....Alessandro?
Quinn : Where? -turns around-

I turned around and saw Alessandro making out with some blonde on the floor. Seeing him kiss her and touch her like that- my heart just shattered. I can't believe how much this is hurting. I guess Giselle was right...
I caught feelings...

To be continued....

𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin