Chapter 13

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"What is it, Ney?" Asked Neymar's concerned mother, Nadine.

Neymar took a deep breath before allowing himself to speak.

"This is about Ivy."

The couple looked at each other. They knew Ivy had Neymar's child. They knew she came into his life again. Which was something they truly did not like.

"Yes?" His father, Neymar Sr, beckoned him to start explaining.

Neymar searched for the right words to say what he wanted to say.
Mom, dad, I love Ivy.
Mom, dad, I still want Ivy.
He didn't know how to start.

"Son, please, you're freaking me out a bit." Nadine said, her hands feeling sweaty.

"I still love Ivy.
And I don't care about her mother's past. She's not like that. She's not a psycho. Ivy is a different person than her mother.
It was a mistake to listen to you to, and break up with her. I should've been with her. But, I instead left her, for something she's not."

Neymar Sr and Nadine were shocked. Guilt hit them as Neymar finished with tears in his eyes. They never realised how controlling they'd been over him.

"We're sorry. We were just scared she might do something to do, like her mother did to her father." Neymar Sr uttered, softly.

Neymar only nodded. Those accusations were unfair. Unfair to Ivy. Neymar himself knew Ivy isn't like that. She's like an angel from heaven. She could never.

"Yeah." Neymar sighed out in a quite of annoyance.


"Hey, Sergio," Ivy found herself smiling over the phone with Sergio.

"Hey, Ivy, we should talk." Sergio dramatically stated.

Ivy gulped. She bit her lips for a second, scared of what he might say. She hoped it's not him saying he wants to stop seeing her, it was break her heart all over again.

"Uh. Okay?" Ivy said, with full on hesitation in her voice.

She could hear Sergio let out a sigh before speaking again.

"We should stop seeing each other." Sergio uttered.

Ivy's heart dropped. Her eyes widen with shock. She couldn't understand why. They had such a great time on their date...

"W-Wha- Why?" Ivy stuttered.

"I know you still love Neymar. I don't think I can be with someone who still has feelings for their ex." Sergio explained.

This had Ivy thinking. Sure, Ivy is thinking more about Neymar, but that doesn't mean she's still in love with him. There's no way she could love him again, not after leaving in such a cruel way.

"Sergio, no, you had this all wrong!" Ivy tried to protest. But Sergio wouldn't change his mind.

"Sorry, Ivy." Sergio said, then ended the call.

Ivy sat on her bed. Her eyes wanted to water, but she wouldn't let them. She had enough of men hurting her. It always ends the same way, them leaving her.

"Fuck this shit." Ivy mumbled before getting off the bed.

She walked down stairs, her phone still in hand. She dialed Shakira's number and called her.

Ivy needed to loosen up a little. A girls night wouldn't bother anyone, right?

Crying over a guy, who probably couldn't care less about her, is truly worthless, Ivy thought.

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Thank you for reading!

Is the story actually good y'all?
I am thinking of deleting it.
Pls let me know

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 ;; neymar.j Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora