04 Fake Friends and Night Strolls

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I didn't respond. Just stared at her blankly and then she took a deep breath.

"You know what? I'm tired of talking to you about learning to speak nicely to people, it's clear you'll never learn"

She took two steps backwards and then turned around, leaving me there alone.


In life, just pray you don't fall into the hands of fake friends that will never have your back

I had posted a lot of fake friends quotes from Google and Pinterest but I couldn't tell if she had seen any of them on my WhatsApp status.

Crazy things are happening. It's really cold outside,loyal people are so few

I checked if Ella was online and she was,she was online, I really wished Chi Chi was online, I knew she'd support me.

Ever since I came home I was really worried,what if Ella never spoke to me? She seemed pretty much very mad at me and it was over something so trival.

I was still thinking of another fake friend quote when I saw typing under Ella's name, it stopped for a minute and my hope crashed and then the typing appeared again

You know you are stupid and childish abi?

Oh wow.

To say sorry is so difficult but finding quotes to justify your actions is easier 🤦

Did you have to insult me?

That's all you took from my message?

Oya sorry since it's sorry that's the problem, I don't even know why you are taking it personal

I have to take it personal because I can't have my friend behaving badly. Honestly,you really need to change, I'll never stop telling you the truth.

Yes mummy😏

At least she was talking to me again.


I was always happy when my shift ended and I had to go home instead of working at the mechanic shop or the supermarket I worked at thrice in a week.

It really was exhausting working at three places at the same time.

I worked three times a week at June's kitchen, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 6 hours,there were three sections so you either worked 6am to 12pm or 12-6 or 6-12.

And then I had already learnt to fix cars so most times Oga Bashir gave me some cars I could fix for him and paid me and then the supermarket I worked for also wasn't exactly full time.

I would have worked more honestly, at the early stages of my mum's sickness, I had more than three jobs but then my health had suffered greatly.

"Francis I asked if you wanted to eat popcorn so I'll get some for you" Dera nudged me and I looked at the other side of the road to see the man behind the popcorn machine and the little crowd that was there.

"I think I'm good" I replied

"Okay, I'm going to buy some for myself, wait here"

I nodded  and Dera was quick to cross the busy road. Perhaps living around here made us immune to accident.

Myself and Chidera lived in G-K, probably one of the most populated streets in the state. The one laned road was covered with cars crawling and trying to beat the traffic,the honks of cars and motorcycles were deafning coupled with drivers that wouldn't stop yelling and calling each other names.

Tall Glass Of WineМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя