Chapter 16

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I do not own Vampire Diaries

Elena was waiting inside the car with Lilliana for the past 15 minutes getting increasingly annoyed, what the hell was Anastasia doing in there? She sighed in frustration before getting out of the car and slamming the door behind her as she walked to the house and knocked on the door. It took quite a while before the door opened and Damon was on the other side.

"Uh Damon. Do you know where Anastasia is?" Elena asked not knowing that since she hadn't locked the door Liana had opened the door and was walking towards them.

"She's a little busy so she said that you can leave her daughter here and Stefan will drop her off afterwards," Damon replied since Stefan had taken Anastasia upstairs to put her in one of the spare rooms, she wasn't waking up so they hadn't known what else to do.

"Oh ok," Elena said unsure, why was she going home with Stefan, she didn't like that at all but she couldn't outright say why because it would be obvious that she was jealous.

"Yay. I wanna stay with mommy," Liana said shocking Elena who hadn't realised she had gotten out the car and that she was right behind her.

"Lilliana!" Elena said as she turned around to face the little girl.

"Hi Ewena. Hi Uncle Damie," Lilliana said as she looked at the both of them with an adorable dimple grin.

"Hello little one," Damon said to the girl with a slight grin, he had to admit she was adorable despite how much he hated the name she had given him. Anastasia had said that the child had to like the other person to call them Aunt or Uncle the next time she saw them which meant the kid liked him for whatever reason he didn't know. He did know though that the kid seemed to be Anastasia's one weakness.

"Hewwo Uncle Damie, where is mommy?" Liana asked the man wanting to go to her.

"Here I'll take you to her," Damon said holding out a hand to the little kid who immediately grabbed on as he turned to Elena and said, "Thank you for stopping by, Elena. Nice to see you."

"Yeah, I should probably go. It was nice to meet you, Damon," Elena said back to him.

"Great meeting you, too, Elena," Damon said as she turned to leave and he shut the door before he took Liana to the stairs. He painstakingly and patiently waited for the kid to walk up each step one by one, it was excruciatingly slow and he was beginning to feel very annoyed so after a few steps he picked her up instead but she began to thrash in his arms so he quickly put her down confused. He then saw her move away from him with slight fear in her eyes and it was then he noticed the bruises on her neck and he widened his eyes as he realised that she had been hurt alongside her mother, the guy hurt kids too? Seriously?

"Hey kid I'm not going to hurt you, I was just going to take you to your mother," Damon said trying to be gentle and she looked at him with slight weariness that shouldn't be present on a kid her age. She bit her lip looking up at the many stairs and then turned giving him a scrutinizing look that looked out of place on her young face before she smiled at him and lifted her hands clearly in a gesture to be picked up and he rolled his eyes at her silent demand before lifting her up in his arms as he carried her up the stairs.

He put her down as he entered the room where he heard a sudden sound of screaming coming from behind it. Apparently it was Anastasia, she was thrashing around on the bed and Stefan trying to calm her down but it clearly wasn't working.

"Mommy!" Liana exclaimed as she let go of his hand but just as she was going to jump on the bed Damon pulled her back, he didn't know why he did that, but for some reason when he saw the kid about to jump on the bed despite her mother's thrashing limbs and screaming her lungs out, he knew the child could get hurt so he pulled her back.

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