28e.) Hollywood Bound

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  Somehow they all manage to get through with seven minutes to spare. Camila goes back to the front and starts running to the gate with everyone following after her. Gus is too tired and is barely making it along so Hunter grabs his hand. He starts basically dragging Gus to keep up and it works.

  The gate was all the way across the airport but they make it with time to spare. Only five minutes but time is time. They all take a minute to catch their breaths as Camila passes out their boarding passes and gets them in order of where they're sitting. She also explains how they're gonna put their suitcases in the overhead bin.

  They're in the fifth boarding group so they have a few extra minutes to calm down. But once it's time to go, everything is perfectly organized. They scan their boarding passes without any problems with Ellie leading the way since her and Hunter are sitting furthest away.

  "Do you want the window seat?" She asks as they walk through the entrance of the plane.

  "If I have the window seat, I think I'm gonna be sick." He laughs.

  "Alright, then. I have a surprise, I'll tell you when we sit down." She says as they walk down to find their seat.

  The person sitting beside them isn't there yet so they have more space to put their bags up. Ellie lifts hers first and sets it on its side before taking Hunter's bag. She then takes her seat by the window with him closely behind her. Instead of TVs, they have holders for your phone now which amazes Ellie on its own.

  "What's the surprise?" Hunter asks with a smile.

  "I downloaded Back to the Future on my phone so you can watch it on the plane. But beware that Marty Mcwhatever, as you call him, does kiss his mom." She smiles.

  "No way! Now I can finally put faces to the names." He laughs.

  "Also don't be alarmed but the plane does a little loop when it first takes off so you need to hold onto your things." She lies.

  "Okay, got it. Hold onto my things and go back to the future." He smiles.

  "Hey everyone, this is your pilot speaking. We will be taking off shortly. Please be patient while the crew does their final cabin checks." The intercom goes off.

  "Are they getting ready for the loop?" He asks.

  "Definitely. They need to make sure all of the bags and drinks are secure for when we go upside down." She tries not to laugh while talking.

  "What's the mile high club?" He asks out of no where.

  "Excuse me?" She widens her eyes.

  "The guy behind us is saying he's gonna join it." He shrugs.

  "Um, it's a...credit card! If you fly enough times, they give you a credit card to spend inflight." She nods. "But if you see the guy get up, don't go to the bathroom until he comes back."

  "That can't be a sound business practice but whatever. But yes, no bathroom until credit card guy is seated." He sighs.

  "Now you're getting it." She laughs.

  "I'm taking a nap after Back to the Future. As long as you protect my unconscious body perfectly." He jokes.

  "Oh, with my life." She assures with a bigger smile than before.

  "Why are they so harsh about weapons anyways? What's a good flight without my girlfriend's hidden daggers?" He asks.

  "Because someone brought weapons on the plane once and it didn't go well." She shrugs.

Against All Rules - Hunter || The Golden Guard x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن