Even if (prologue)

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I was a young noble woman in
the great empire of the East "Magnarret", named after by the founder of the land Oclanda Maria H. Magnarret. Yes, the founder of the great empire is a woman. After Oclanda died, the empire turned upside down after her son inherited the title of a Tyrant. The rules has change.
The rights of the woman, The peaceful environment and the freedom of the people are all gone. For the past generations, Oclanda was the only woman ruled the empire.

Forgive my rudeness. I kept saying stuff while I haven't introduced my identity yet. My name is Clodia Marelyn L. Magnarret. I am the 15th heir and the only daughter of the current Tyrant Dero O. Magnarret the 5th Ruler of this empire. And some of you guys might be confused why our last name are Magnarret, even though the founder is a woman... it's a way to maintain our pride by using the founders last name in ours. Let's just say it's a family heritage.

I am the only daughter. I have 14 brothers and I am the youngest. My mother was forced or should we sa r*pe by my father.
My mother was an ordinary woman living freely in the country side, while she was washing her clothes with her friends at the river. My father the tyrant accidentally saw her and was mesmerized by her snow white skin and by her sapphire jeweled eyes... and I must say my mother was straight in a fairytale novel (she is). My Father really liked my mother... but when he confessed my mother rejected him... for the reason of, she was to young to get married and she doesn't liked him... and when I mean young it means (15 years old at that time and my father was 29).. After hearing the answer of my mother my father the Tyrant was furious cause she declined him and he immediately ordered his guard's to bring my mother to the Castle forcefully.... And y'all probably know what's gonna happened next... He ordered the guard's to bring my mother to the Castle and to tie her inside his bedroom..... You know what's gonna happened next so I wont go further more..... 3 months after that happened, my mother still tied up in his bedroom and kept r*ping her, even tho he knew that my mother was pregnant at that time. My mother suffered from depression, trauma and illness... After my mother given birth to me... She eventually died cause her body cant take it anymore (my poor mother:'(.

I was eventually disregarded by my own father, cause I was given birth as a woman, and he immediately ordered the maids to take me to the dungeon and put me there.......

But since I am not the real Clodia.... I shall change the plot of this damn story and be the next head to the CROWN!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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