dates and what you do

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Carnival/county fairs:He tries to win you as many prizes as he can . You ride all the rollercoasters. Buys you whatever food you want even if you offer to pay for it. If there's a photo booth a lot of goofy pictures.

Stay home and watch movies/shows: You probably watch anime but sometimes other things. If it's horror and if you get scared he'll hold you closer. Cuddles of course.

picnics: Eat a lot of food. Like a lot a lot. He gives you flowers every time. Alcohol sometimes but nothing to strong.

Driving around at 2 am: You two just do this at random. Going to the gas station buying snacks and dancing in the parking lot. Playing loud music while driving.

Going to the gym together: You don't any those weird couple stuff people do. But you always are next to each other or close by.  He always makes sure you drink plenty of water. Then when your done you go home shower then cuddle in comfy clothes.

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