First (and only) Chapter.

19 3 0

Started: 20/07/2022 09:46
Finished: 20/07/2022 13:15
Development (plot) time: ±3 days.

The clicking sounds of the keyboard echoed in my dark room, illuminated only by two screens, one of which was the monitor that showed the words I typed.

A monitor on the lowest backlight setting.

I stopped typing.

I covered my face and let my head slump to the desk, then let out a sigh.

'Something wrong?'

'.....My head.'

'You have a headache?'

'No.... The usual.'

'I see. Take your time, okay?'


Even without taking a glance, I could tell that she smiled as she spoke behind me.

I seriously suffered from depression. Or at least, people define it that way. I don't feel like I'm suffering, though I'm well aware I'm... different. But I feel okay. I work, I pay my tax, I don't disturb the society. Or anyone. I just don't feel like interacting with people, I get mentally down all the time, and I'm photophobic.

I wrote, and heck, I was good at it. But I couldn't work around people and my editor just had to let me send in my work without even showing my face after getting the job.
A girl I'd known from childhood started to come around very often to keep me company. She also worked from here, but I never really asked what she actually does.

Such selflessness

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Such selflessness. I guess there's people like that. Having someone around who'd just be quiet, do their thing and not ask much about my abnormalities did keep me calm. I wonder how she knew that.

Still, I can't help but imagine that a normal person having a depressed person alone with them might just make them at least a bit sadder, in a sense.

Besides, I don't like to bother people. I didn't like the idea of someone going out of their way to help me.

'Uh.. I decided... to get a trained dog..'

'Oh. You want a pet?'

I scratched my head with my fingertips, waited a few seconds for "trained" to sink in.


I like people who comprehend without I needing to rephrase, and speak. Again.

'So, you don't need to stress yourself by coming over all the time to help my.. "condition."'

There was a long pause.

She turned off her phone's screen, leaving my dim monitor to illuminate the room all alone.

She picked her bag and left. I never saw her since then.

That was two weeks ago

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That was two weeks ago.

Now I discover that the presence of a more sentient and intelligent animal (human) feels different from that of a stinky dog.

Maybe I'll get a cat later. Way more hygienic.

But more importantly, who's ringing my doorbell? A Salesman? Jehovah's witnesses? I'm in just about the right mood to slam the door on someone's face right now.
I squinted as I walked through the living room with the lights on. It would give my eyes a heads-up for the omnidirectional laser beam that was the sunlight which I would face when I opened the door.

Mustang danced around my feet, wagging her tail and yapping to get my attention.

I have a terrible sense of naming.

I turned the handle and pulled, my arm itching to slam it back while they were talking mid-sentence.

But my arm froze holding the door ajar.


She came back.

'Your hair's messy

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'Your hair's messy. As usual.'

A/N: Yeah. From the text at the top, it's quite obvious that I didn't work on this for long. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ It's just a little idea I wanted to get off my head (and console my state of loneliness *sob).
I have other stories in actual development though. Hopefully I'll start to release them soon. Till then...!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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