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Naruto a 5 year old boy was running from a mob as he had the triangle marks of the inuzuka clan

Reason he was getting chased is because he's the jinchuriki of the 12 tailed wolf and 9 tailed fox

Suddenly Tsume and hana runs up scaring the mob away as they see Naruto face especially the marks on his face

Tsume let's go see the hokage

They nod

They go to hokage

Sarutobi what happened

Tsume a mob was attacking him he's a inuzuka

Sarutobi was shocked then sees the marks

Naruto I know about my tenants

Everyone was shocked

Naruto I know my family is Minato namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki namikaze inuzuka

They was shocked

Tsume your Kushi-chan son

Naruto nods

To be continued

naruto inuzuka the inuzuka wolf masterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum