Chapter 1

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Eredea's favorite song started playing as soon as they finally reached their destination, which was GameStop of course. It sat down on the bench for a moment, because if you walk around 20 miles, you'd think your legs would hurt. She finally stands up and walks inside the GameStop. "Ew. It smells so gross in here." Eredea thinks to herself. She goes to the isle with the 8-bit games and finds nobody else in the isle with her. "Thank gog." she thinks to herself. She starts looking through the games and backs up a bit and bumps into something behind her. It turns around to see a slightly shorter troll with red and blue glasses on. "Sorry." He says with a lisp. "It's fine." She responds. He looks back at the games Eredea was looking at. "Oh, by the way, I'd recommend- that one" the troll says as he points at a game. Eredea loos back at him and picks up the game. It looks at the back and reads the description. "Hm! I- might actually get this! Thanks for the recommendation." Eredea says, slightly mumbling. "What other games do you play?" The troll asks. Eredea names a few of her favorite games. "Hm, you have good taste in games." He says while slightly grinning. "I'm Sollux. And you?" He says while holding his hand out. "Eredea." They respond while shaking Sollux's hand. Eredea awkwardly looks around, and Sollux does the same. "SOLLUX!! LETS GO!! YOU DONE YET??" another troll shouts from the doorway. "Hold on!" Sollux shouts back. He sighs and mumbles something. "Uhm- do you want to exchange users on pesterchum or something?" He asks while rubbing the back of his neck. Eredea nods in agreement and gets a post-it note from her backpack. They both write their usernames on the paper and the rip in half. They take each others usernames. "Alright, uh- I'll talk to you later." He says while walking to check out. Eredea was slightly blushing and realized she was so she shook her head and walked over to the other checkout. It sighs and pays for her game, then walks out of GameStop and walks back home.

(fantroll) Eredea Avepia x Sollux Captor Where stories live. Discover now