Why are you here?

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      As you saw Bam on your porch he had a bruised chin, busted lip, and scrapes on his arms. He said nothing as he stood there, he looked close to tears and you could tell being soaked in the rain didn't help. So you hurriedly pulled him inside rushing him to the upstairs bathroom where the first aid kit was.

     You sat him on the toilet while you bent down to look for the first aid kit, you could feel his eyes on you, but you didn't care at this point. You then stood up to meet his blue eyes, the look on his face was almost the look of defeat you examined the cuts and got out some peroxide and a cotton pad

   "this is going to hurt" you say as you dab the cuts with peroxide he only nods and groans in discomfort as it starts to burn his skin.

Once you were done and put some bandaids on him you put everything away. You then sad on the edge of the tub next to him to meet his eyes and asked.

      "hey, what happened?" His eyes met your only for a few seconds before he looked down. His shoulders relaxed slightly as you put your hands on his massaging  his bruised knuckles.

      He lets out a sigh "I was at the skatepark until it started raining so I went to the bar. I heard some guys talking about how you were a whore and probably got passed around by all the jackass guys. I just got so mad I wanted to fucking kill them. So I said some things and then a fight started and iot fucked up I guess" you smiled

      "thank you bam" you kissed him on the cheek and caused a light blush to spread.

"Why did you come to me though why not go back home and let ape help you?" You said confused.

    "because then I wouldn't be able to do this" it took you by surprise as his plush lips smashed against your own, and the metallic taste of blood coming from his lips transferred to yours.

     You quickly melted into the kiss, it turned from a needy and animalistic kiss to a soft and gentle one. He pulled away slightly but still close enough to brush against your lips with his as he mumbled

   "I'm sorry, I'm only such a dick to you because I'm afraid you'll think I'm soft if I told you how much I care about you." Bam looks down once again.

"God I'm so stupid" he says under his breath  But those words made your heart flutter as you looked at him.

     "bam you should have told me earlier I've liked you ever since we met at Element."  He only looks at you shocked as his eyes widen.

     "wait really?!!" You put out your hand to cup his cheek and looked into his eyes a soft smile revealed itself on your lips

   "really Brandon".

       You couldn't help but giggle at how you just got away with calling him by his full name, not unexpectedly though he kissed you and you kissed back. You slightly pulled his hair as he groaned into your mouth, his hands slowly running up and down your sides as he lifts you onto the counter. But out of nowhere the devil himself, Johnny Knoxville seemed to think right now is the perfect time to call you. As your phone buzzed on the counter bam pulled away from you.

   "Couldn't his ass find a better time to call" bam grumbled

    "apparently not" you said in defeat.

As you picked up the phone and answered, Johnny's voice boomed through the device "so Y/N do ya feel like going out with me and the guys tomorrow in celebration of the first day of filming?" You sighed as you looked at bam who nodded in agreement.

   "yeah sure Knox" you breathed out soundig defeated.

  "alright meet us at butchmans bar at 8:00 pm tomorrow night" you agreed and hung up quickly, practically throwing your phone.

Bam looked at you still looking starstruck and asked

  "you wanna watch a movie or something?"

He then got up and helped you off the counter, he walked into your room and sat down. While you walked downstairs into the kitchen to get y/f/s (your favorite snacks). And quickly ran back upstairs into your room to find bam looking through the DVDs on the bookshelf. He then picked up the newly released "Queen of The Damned" DVD you bought last week.

    "That movie may be new but it is one of my favorites," you said with a grin on your face. Bam put it in the DVD player as you layed down next to his spot on your bed. Bam chuckled as the movie started and he put his arm around you, bam was finally at peace and so were you.

(SHORT CHAPTER but next one will be longer 'promise ;)' 838 words thanks for reading!!!)

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