Most of the tour passed by in a similar fashion. They would enter a room, Luna would be awestruck, Jason would propose a really stupid question (something like: 'Louis XV gives raging iPad kid vibes; he would so jam out on Club Penguin'), he'd be condemned by someone else in the group, Madeline or Dylan would entertain Jason's question with logic, the tour guide would get upset and speak over them, they'd wander around the room, Zach would nearly bump into something (most likely very fragile and expensive), and they'd move on to the next room to do it all over again. 

Everyone in the tour group, especially the tour guide, was relieved to be in the last room of the tour, the Hall of Mirrors. The large gallery room was considered the best and most famous part of Versailles for a reason. The room was lavishly decorated with golden statues, and crystal chandeliers that would let out a quiet, melodic chime on the occasion of a draft, and large arching windows that looked over the beautiful gardens. The ceiling was covered in beautiful paintings, and the walls were full of intricate carvings. 

Jason held out his hand to Luna. "May I have zis dance, mademoiselle?" He asked in possibly the worst fake French accent ever attempted. 

Luna rolled her eyes, "Absolutely not."

"You're no fun," He pouted. 

"Hey, Jason," Dylan said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Remember that really peaceful time where you didn't say anything for a while?"


"Great. Let's go back to that."

Jason gave a discouraged scowl, but actually complied and stayed silent as they scattered around the large hall. Luna and Maddie had gone to look out one of the windows on the far side of the room, Carson had stuck around with the tour guide and was talking to him near the center of the room, Zach was walking directly down the middle with his head pointed up toward the ceiling, and Jason was about to play with the chains of one of the lower chandeliers before Dylan came and swatted his hand away. 

More tour groups arrived to the Hall of Mirrors as others left, but the room was still pretty full. Luna wanted a picture somewhere in the room, and she tried for having most of the hall visible behind her, but every single photo Madeline took was photobombed by multiple people. 

"Why don't you take one in front of one of the windows?" Madeline suggested, hiding her irritation as best she could– they'd been at this for five minutes now. 

"Fine," Luna agreed, leading them back over to a window that wasn't crowded by other visitors. She twirled around to face Madeline and posed for the photo, but Madeline was only able to snap another couple of pictures before the playing of loud, classical music startled them. 

Luna peered over Madeline's shoulder and her face scrunched up with a horrified look. "It's Jason," she said blankly. "He brought a speaker."

Other people had noticed the sudden music as well, and were turning to find the source of the disturbance. 

"Oh, and now he's dancing," Luna continued, her eyes widening. "By himself. He looks really stupid."

Madeline spun around to see for herself what Jason was doing. In the center of the room, Jason was swaying along to the French classical music produced by the speaker he was hugging to his chest. On any other occasion, Jason making a fool out of himself in a public space would be funny, normal even. However, Jason making a fool out of himself in one of the most historic museums in the world was a slightly different story. 

"He's going to get us kicked out," Maddie whispered to Luna, and she quickly scanned over the room to see other visitors' reactions. Her eyes caught Carson's across the room and he simply nodded his head. 

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