"Kisha, do you even understand my words? You almost died!" Worry, panic, and slight anger coursed through Kurenai's words. I crossed my arms. "Yes I know... I almost died and had a survival rate of fifty/fifty, so truthfully I don't feel like I should be getting yelled at right now-" I stopped myself with a gasp. "NEJI!?" Popping up as I suddenly remembered the whole fight between him, me, and the freaky Sound ninja who had a knack with spiders. "SENSEI!? IS NEJI ALRIGHT!??" I asked, or basically yelled, ripping the covers off of myself and trying to run to the door. She stopped me and held me back into the bed. "Yes! He's alright! Lay back down or else you're going to hurt yourself!!"

After struggling for a few more seconds, I took her advice. Panic was still coursing through me, but I could feel myself slowly calm down. "....Is he okay? Like, he's alive?" She dipped her head up and down. "Yes! Thanks to you anyway." I titled my head. "What do you mean?" She smiled a graceful smile. "Well, the way you were laying and the way your enemy was found, it proved you had taken a death blow for Neji... If you hadn't he'd be dead." I looked down staring at nothing in particular. "..Wow." I seemed to be speechless. I mean how do I respond to this? For once, I actually saved a life... I did something that mattered. "Ehm... You didn't tell him that right?" Kurenai sweat dropped, remembering something that was probably embarrassing. "Did I? No. However, Gai certainly did." Ah. Embarrassing indeed. "Of course. Why'd Gai tell him?" Kurenai rolled her eyes at the thought of Gai. "Probably going over what happened to him or explaining how close to death his student was and how worried he was." "That makes sense, I guess." My voice came out strained as I could feel the aches in my body start to surface. "Do you need a nurse?" Kurenai asked with concern leaking in her features. I shook my head. "No. I was going to have to deal with this sooner or later, right?''

Kurenai nodded, then got to a topic I wasn't keen on hearing. "You know... Your parents are here for you." "Shit." She crossed her arms, giving me a motherly look. "Don't swear at the mention of your parents." I shrugged. "Sorry... But they're going to freak out on me." Kurenai shook her head. "Your condition was explained to them, you're more damaged than you think, Akisha." I mulled that over in my head. I really was close to death wasn't I? I'm lucky to be having this conversation right now with only an aching pain rather than lying in a casket with my family and friends sobbing all around... "Do you want me to get them or not?" Kurenai's voice broke my low thoughts. I shrugged again, but this time with a nod. "Yeah, I suppose.''  Kurenai smiled softly and squeezed my hand, reaffirming me before walking out of the room.

I glanced around at the tiny hospital room.. Same like the others except across from one vistor's chair there was a set of clothes laying out. I grinned at the sight of them. "Perfect." As slow and easy and possible I got out of the bed, groaning as the pain pulsed through me. "Ugh.. Ouch...  What did I do to deserve this?" I whined for no reason as I stepped over to the clothes. Trying my best to hurry I slipped on a dark blue kimono. Must be courtesy of Kurenai. My hair seemed the same as always, but more in my face then usual due to not combing it or my headband to hold it. I blew air from my lips up at my bangs, trying to get it to part like normal, but only succeeded making them fold in the middle of my forehead even more.

My eye twitched at the annoying hair. I turned back to my bed slowly, moving towards it and gently placing myself back down. I sighed... I wonder how long I've been out? Or if Choji's alright? What about Kiba? Did we even get Sasuke back to Konoha? I scoffed at the thoughts of Sasuke. I swear if he's back here I'm going to punch him in his face. I rested my head back on the pillow. "So troublesome.." I murmured lowly. "Heh... I'm going to start sounding like Shikamaru pretty soon again.." My thoughts shifted to Shikamaru. I wonder if he's okay? I swear if he's not, I'll- "AKISHA! BABY! SWEETIE! MOMMY'S HERE!!" My dramatic mother yelled slamming open the door and interrupting my train of thought. My father sweat dropped, following her in as she raced to the side of the bed. "SWEETIE! I WAS SO WORRIED!! THEY SAID THAT YOU COULD HAVE DIED AND IT WAS LIKELY THAT YOU WOULD HAVE IF THEY DIDN'T FIND YOU IN TIME!! OH GOD, I WAS SO WORRIED!!" Tears streamed down her face as she stared at me like it was the first time in years.

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