2.) Worth My While

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  "Very nice, Lieutenant! I've been telling you to go make friends outside of here. Yes, you may go. But don't tell anyone about your status here in the resistance and don't get mixed up with anyone from the Emperor's Coven. No scouts, no Kikimora, and especially no Golden Guard. Got that?" He sets the rules.

  "Yes, Captain. I'll be back soon, love ya, Willy!" She cheers happily.

  "Don't call me Willy!" He yells as she runs out of the room.

  Ellie keeps trying to get him to lighten up a little. He's been Captain since he was a little older than her so it's gonna be tough. He seems to like her though. At least she hopes so. If he doesn't like her, she's trying to be charming but she's the most annoying person ever. He's the only sort of parental figure she's got so she doesn't want to make him actually upset. Maybe she'll make Willy an exclusive name.

  "He said yes." Ellie smiles at Luz who's still sitting on the floor. "But first let me change out of my sweaty running outfit."

  "The Selkidomus hunt. We want in." Luz demands.

  "You think you two squirts can handle this?" He looks between the two of them.

  Luz looks like a thirteen-year-old because she is and Ellie who changed into a purple outfit more fit for a Lieutenant. It's a mostly black, almost body suit but with baggy bottoms, with purple accents complete with a thigh holster holding a golden dagger. In Luz's opinion, she looks ready to kill and it's slightly concerning.

  "We can handle anything," Ellie assures.

  "Don't forget about me!" King squeals as they start boarding the boat.

  "I sat down with you on my back one time!" Luz laughs as they all join the group of sailors. "When we defeat the Selkidomus and get a boatload of snails, Eda won't have to worry about money for a long time."

  "King want a cracker!"

  "All hands!" Salty gets everyone's attention. "Alright, crew. The Selkidomus has been ravaging the coastline. It was last seen in the Simmering Shoals. You know the drill, snag the quarry, get the money galore-y. We all do the work, we all get a cut. Till then, keep everything shipshape. This ain't no pleasure cruise."

  He approaches Luz, Ellie, and King looking either angry or overconfident. Ellie stands up completely straight and tall giving him a full view of the two swords on her back. All of them doubt it will scare him but it's worth a shot. He tosses the broom to Luz instead.

  "Don't be a burden, sea squirt."

  "Oh, you don't have to worry about me." She smirks.

  First, the barnacles. Salty offers Luz a scraper to take care of them. She gives King a look before handing him over to Ellie. He gets quickly comfortable on her shoulder to watch what Luz does. She uses a plant glyph to lower herself down. The barnacles grunt at her but she hisses at them to all quiet down. Luz uses King's horn to scrape them off the ship.

  Next, the bellows of the ship, which Salty is shoveling coal into. He offers the shovel to Luz, but she shakes her head and pushes it away. She activates three fire glyphs directly into the bellows and closes the door. Simple but effective. The ship's horn blows as the ship speeds ahead and Salty nods in approval. At the main deck, the crew claps in time with Luz dancing.

  "I've never been on a boat before," King tells Ellie.

  "Me either. I thought there would be a lot more singing." She laughs before Luz turns around to reveal a large bug on her back. She launches it over King and various birds into the sea before Ellie sets King down.

Against All Rules - Hunter || The Golden Guard x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt