chapter 5: Ear Rubs and Exclusive Rights

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Nick paused a moment, picturing some dumb buck touching Judy like this. Pushing the image from his mind, he focused solely on her ears. "I enjoy doing this, so why would I hand this honor off to some nameless buck who can't see how wonderful you are?"
Judy's eyes flew open and she stared at his face. His attention was on her ears and he wasn't meeting her gaze, but even so, she knew he meant what he said. Nick thinks I'm wonderful? He considers rubbing my ears an . . . an honor? She didn't think he realized what he'd said, or he probably wouldn't have said it, but she had clearly heard it. Bringing a paw up, she rubbed her heart as it felt like someone was squeezing it.
She'd always been the headstrong freak, the weird one who thought she could be more than a carrot-farming bunny. She'd been teased and bullied as a kit for her dreams, and her one attempt at dating—yeah, that was a complete joke. Nick's words echoed in her mind again, 'some nameless buck who can't see how wonderful you are.'
She held back a sniffle. No, crying, Judy. Hold it together. Blinking the tears away, she studied his handsome features again. Kneeling, his face was just a little above her own, so she could see his expression clearly. His mask was down, and his eyes danced with relaxed happiness.
Seeing this made her eyes water again. Nick was happy rubbing her ears. She didn't think she'd ever seen him so relaxed, content, and just plain happy. His happiness at simply being with her (they weren't doing anything really) beat any of the attention she'd received from the bucks back home.
Holding back another sniffle, she closed her eyes and relaxed further into his wonderful touch. "You better keep your word to stick around," she murmured as sleep started stealing its way back into her mind. Missing Nick's curious glance, she continued, "Because you know I'll be asking for an ear rub whenever I'm feeling stressed or just need to relax."
Grinning, Nick turned his gaze back to her ears. They were so soft, and warm, and fuzzy. "I told you already, I'm a selfish creature, so I'll steal any chance I can to run my fingers over your ears." At Judy's happy giggle, he added, "Just be sure to return the favor."
Judy's eyes popped open and all sleep fled from her. "Really!? I can rub your ears, too? You'll let me?"
Nick paused and his emerald gaze dropped to meet sparkling amethyst. He hadn't really thought before he spoke but seeing her excitement made him seriously consider it. It had been decades since he'd let anyone pet his ears, not since he was a small kit, so his initial reaction was denial, to take his words back.
But this was Judy. She wouldn't hurt him. And now that he thought about it, the idea of feeling her small, soft paws touching him sent a warm tingle down his spine. Could he really pass up such an unexpected opportunity? Him—the king of opportunities? No. No, he could not.
Dropping his hands as a smug grin spread across his face, he answered, "You know, I haven't let anyone touch my ears since I left home." Leaning forward until their noses nearly touched, he grinned mischievously, "Are you sure you're ready for the consequences?"
"Ha! What consequences? You'll be putty in my hands." Scooting closer to the end of the couch so Nick would have room, she patted her lap and said, "Come on, put your head down." With a wide grin, she beamed back, "It's my turn to relax you."
Seeing her bright, confident, smirking smile sent a thrill through his whole body. It shouldn't—she was bunny, not a vixen—but he couldn't help it. She was tearing down his walls, and he didn't have an ounce of desire to stop her.
"Well?" she pressed, patting her lap again. "And don't even think about saying your day was any easier than mine. You might not have lost blood, but I know your ribs must be hurting after being rammed by that ram."
Nick met her intense gaze and his grin widened. "Okay, I won't lie and say my ribs aren't a little bruised, but before I let you turn me into putty," he glanced down at his clothes, "I should get something cleaner on, don't you think?"
Judy looked over his outfit and had to agree. There was dirt and grime smudged all over his shirt and pants. Wrinkling her nose, she said, "You're right. Clean clothes would be good."
With a smirk, he stood up and ruffled the fur between her ears one last time. "I'll be back down in a minute." Stepping around the couch, he headed up the stairs and entered the bedroom on the right. Throwing his clothes off, he grabbed another pair of beige pants—he still needed to pick up Judy's pain medication—and a simple black t-shirt. Since he wasn't hustling, a loud shirt wasn't needed.

At The Begining: A Zootopia fanfic Nick x JudyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora