chapter 5 - Past Sins

Start from the beginning

Calliope looked behind them again to see the plane flying closer, knowing that it was one of Mikhail's pilots sent to stop Rachel and Daniel in the truck, since the train's drivers didn't know about Calliope and Kirill yet.

The pilot spoke to the train drivers. "0-1-niners, be advised. You've taken on boarders at the rear. We're engaging the truck now."

The pilot dropped guns from the base of the plane.

Calliope raised her radio to speak to her friend in the truck. "Hey, Rachel, you got company!"

Rachel looked at Daniel. "Go, go, go!"

Daniel drove them as fast as he could to get away from the plane and its guns which were already firing at them. "Watch out! Holy shit!"

Rachel spoke through the radio as she and Daniel were making their escape. "Calliope, Kirill, you're on your own. Don't die."

Calliope nodded. "Good luck!" She looked at Kirill. "We gotta move. Come on!"

Calliope and Kirill climbed to the top of the train.

Since the airplane pilot had alerted the train to Calliope and Kirill, armed soldiers were making their way across the top of the train toward the back, but they still had several crates to go before they could even get into shooting range from how long the train was.

Calliope and Kirill ran across the train containers at the back of the train until they reached the one where the the people in the Russian and American programs were chained up and held captive against their will to be used as brainwashed warriors.

Kirill saw the armed soldiers making their way toward them, jumping down to land on the train floor, looking up at Calliope. "Give me the bag!"

Calliope tossed the bag down at Kirill, jumping down next to him, drawing her gun, aiming out at the soldiers on top of the train containers, firing, able to hit many soldiers and take them down.

All the while, Kirill was working on breaking the link between the container that held the hostages and the rest of the train.

Calliope continued to fire her gun. "Kirill?"

Kirill left a device on the link. "We're set! Cover your ass! Take cover!"

Kirill and Calliope ran to the container with the hostages, on either side, holding onto the ladders there so that they could use the container itself as cover from the bomb that Kirill had rigged on the train link, blowing it up to break the container off from the rest of the train, as the train kept driving away with the soldiers on it, taking the soldiers away from Calliope and Kirill before they could be shot and killed, while Calliope and Kirill, and the container they were holding onto, came to a stop since it was no longer being pulled along by the rest of the train.

Calliope and Kirill jumped off the container, running to the front of it, looking at the other few containers behind it. They looked down the train tracks as the train started to come to a stop, but it had to take a while to stop given how fast they had been going.

Calliope turned her head to look toward the field, putting her fingers between her lips to whistle loudly through them. "Indi!"

Indi was a thin boy who got out from behind a rock hiding place right near the place where Calliope and Kirill had broke the containers off. He gestured to two more people, Miriam and Logan, waving them over. "All right, come on, let's go. Come on!"

They ran toward the train containers.

Calliope walked along the train containers, banging on them, calling out. "Apollo! Apollo, can you hear me?" All the prisoners on the inside of the container started to shout for help. There was only one container full of prisoners. Indi ran toward Calliope. Calliope tapped on the container next to her, which was the one with all the hostages. "This one. This one!"

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