At his house to 'study'

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After school, you decided to show up at E/n's place anyway. As you arrived you already felt annoyed.

Just as you reached the door, someone opened it from the inside. It was E/n.

"Why hello there, Princess." He winked at you.

You scoffed and pushed him aside, as you walked past him and inside.

"Whatever, and don't call me that!"

"Fiiiine, I won't... Princess."

"Ugh! You're so annoying!"

He closed the door and you walked to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Uhm... Sitting down in the kitchen to study?"

"Nonono, we are studying in my room."

You didn't pick a fight with him right now, because you were too exhausted from school.
Therefore you just went along with it and followed him to his room.

As you spent hours of studying in his room, for a math test, he sometimes would lose concentration and tease you instead. You just ignored it, but eventually, it got too much!

You sat up, grabbed a pillow, and then threw it at his face! He just gave you a death stare.
Until he took the pillow, you just threw, and threw it right back at you!
Causing a pillow fight to happen.

You both ended up laughing so much, that you couldn't throw any more pillows.
Then you went back to your studies.

It was getting late, and you yawned.

"Getting tired, Princess?"

"Only tired of you."

He scoffed at your response.

After a few minutes, you were both asleep.

Suddenly you heard a familiar voice.

"Seriously?! Again? Well, at least you didn't do it in my bed this time..."

It was your sister. Again.

You hurried up and gathered your stuff.

"What are you even doing here??"

"I'm here to pick you up! Remember?"

Right! You had forgotten all about that deal.

In the meantime, E/n had woken up and packed his things away.
He followed you and your sister downstairs, where he said goodbye at the door.

"Night, Princess."

"Night, Jerk!"

A grin appeared on his face.

"Ugh, get together already!"

You and E/n stared at each other for a few seconds, before saying: "Ewwww!"
Followed up by, yet again, unnecessary puke sounds.

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