3 - The ball

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We didn't realize we were still staring until Mateo cleared his throat which caused us to gasp

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We didn't realize we were still staring until Mateo cleared his throat which caused us to gasp.

What? It's not everyday you see a man with a killer body shirtless.

Did I just say killer body? What's happening to me?

"Sorry, hi um i'm Celeste and this is my sister Louisa." Celeste introduces us and proceeds to keep talking but what she didn't realize is that no one was listening to anything she was saying because the moment she said my name, our eyes locked and suddenly I forgot how to breathe.

He had beautiful eyes. The kind you could get lost in.

And I guess I did.

"Hello? Are you even listening to a word i'm saying?" She seems pissed off.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Mateo turns to look at her, a small smile appearing on his face.

I feel pain in my chest.

I would give everything for him to smile at me again.

"You're the new stableman right? What's your name?" I feel his eyes shift to mine for a second before answering her.

"You haven't said a word L, is everything alright?" I have to stop myself from punching her in the face. Don't bring the attention on me you bitch.

"Yeah, um we can't stay for long we need to get ready for tonight remember?" I say, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

I feel so stupid and ashamed. I left him without a word and I don't even want to think about how he must have felt when I stopped showing up.

"Oh fuck that, I could care less about this ball, are you going Mateo?" Just as the words leave her lips I wanted to punch her even more.

"No, people like me aren't really invited to these kind of things." He replies with a short laugh and then looks at the ground.

"Oh, well you're lucky because these are the most boring things you can possibly go to, trust me." She tries to ease the mood but I can clearly tell he's uncomfortable.

"Come on lets not bother him any longer." I don't wait for her to answer me, I grab her upper arm and lead her outside as she wiggles her hand back and forth, saying bye to Mateo.

I look one last time behind me, and here are his big brown eyes staring right back at me, but they're not the usual soft, tender eyes that I used to look at.

They are now angry and pissed.



"You look gorgeous L, like jaw dropping kind of gorgeous, like-"

"Don't boost my ego too much sis," I cut her off "but seriously you look amazing too." I take a look at her sage green colored dress.

Just when I was about to hug her, my mom barges into the room. "Oh look at you two, you look beautiful, now come on we leave in five minutes."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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