part 12 the journey

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(Woody td leafy grassy firey jr firey Icelity Icy and fan jr go to the hprc in yoyle land)

Fan jr) are we there yet

Leafy no we are just now in the desert

(2 hours later)

Fan jr) are we there yet

Leafy) no we are just now approaching the goiky canal

Icy) I think I know how to get across

Icy) but with no hprc we can't

Leafy) well I don't know what to do

Icelity) I found a broken tree back there
We can use that to make a boat

(1 day later)

Icy) well we are in yoyle land

Woody) I found the hprc

Td) great

(They recover Dimond Woodrop and bracelety)

Bracelety) what happened

Dimond) where are we

Icy) we are in yoyle city

Leafy) let's go back home

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