The Legend of Erosvold

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Long ago, when the Universe was still young, the planet was covered in darkness. Within that darkness were beings, struggling to live as best they could without the ability to see their true potential. While survival was tough, it wasn't impossible, and the beings learned how to develop their mental and physical strength to overcome hardships and adversity. Their knowledge was rudimentary, but their desire to learn ran deep.

One day, a meteor was hurled at the planet. It came from the center of the Universe, and it contained all of the knowledge and wisdom of worlds. As it crashed through the atmosphere, it tore apart the darkness that covered the planet, allowing light to penetrate the surface. The rock also charged the atmosphere with electricity that struck various places across the surface of the world, lighting them on fire and clearing away dead parts that made life a struggle.

When the meteor hit the ground, it split into three parts. One was hurled onto a high mountain ledge, one was flung into the sea, and the final was thrust into a cave near the center of the planet. Through time, winds and other natural elements eroded the rock on the ledge, carving it into a humanoid-shaped form. Within the ocean, the waves and currents molded the rock into a man, and within the cave, creatures that lived in the darkness scratched and clawed until a being was formed.

Lighting then crashed down from the sky, first hitting the being on the mountain, then traveling through the water, and finally finding its way into the cave. The spark brought life to the beings. They had already been infused with the knowledge of the Universe, but the jolt of electricity instilled a sense of curiosity and wonder.

The woman on the ledge pulled herself to the edge to overlook the planet. As she surveyed the area, she noticed the beings that had been living in the dark struggling to make sense of their new world. The man from the ocean emerged from the waves and watched the beings closest to him stumble around in awe and fascination. The man in the cave awoke to explore his surroundings, getting an understanding of the workings of the planet and discovering portals of light that allowed him to travel from one planet to another.

Since the three creatures were split from the same rock, they were drawn to one another. After making their observations, a pull within them propelled them toward a valley at the center of the world. Along the way, they interacted with the original inhabitants. These people exuded kindness and caring, wanting to understand what had happened and offering food and shelter for a bit of knowledge. All three beings were more than happy to bestow what they knew, sharing the information that had been instilled within them from the Universe itself.

After many, many years, the three finally met up at the center of the planet, and the reunion was a happy one. The three may not have met each other before that moment, but since they had come from the same place, there was an instant connection and recognition. They embraced one another and cried.

The woman placed her hand flat on her chest, right above her heart. "Kahina."

The man from the ocean placed a fist against his chest, near his left shoulder. "Jerrick."

The man from the cave lifted his right hand into the air, his palm lifted upward. "Samael."

Kahina, Jerrick, and Samael stood in a circle and clasped one another's hands. They lifted their arms up and turned their face to the sky. "Erosvold," they spoke in unison, christening the planet with a name that evoked strength, understanding, and knowledge.

The three embraced again, then they shared stories about what their journeys to the field entailed. They talked for days, not resting until each had shared their tale. Along the way, each of them had taught the inhabitants a different skill. Jerrick showed them how to fish and make boats, allowing those closest to the waters the ability to live a rich, fruitful life. Kahina showed those that she encountered how to plant and harvest crops. She taught them to build shelters and what it meant to live in a community. Samael had learned the secrets of healing and imparted knowledge that allowed the inhabitants to treat wounds and illnesses so that they could live their best lives. When they finished sharing their deeds, they sat in silence, each looking to the stars and contemplating their next move. But they knew what they needed to do. They knew that creating a world that embraced intelligence and the pursuit of knowledge was essential.

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