Chapter 3 Topless

Start from the beginning

"I'm dressed!" he replies, "Feel free to turn on the camera. Where is it anyway?", Net asks and walks towards James.

James' heart beats too loudly and he would like to crawl into the refrigerator.

The pleasant coolness radiates against his back from behind, and he hopes it makes the heat rising inside him less visible.

Net topless.

It makes him all fuzzy.

Why does he have to walk around like that?

His eyes just don't want to obey.

And so, he sees the tanned skin on the defined muscles walking closer and closer to him.

James swallows and his lips begin to pout.

Whenever he gets nervous or pensive, those full lips press together and form a pouty kiss.

It's a sight that regularly blows Net's mind.

Those lips.

When can he finally kiss them?

Why is James looking like that?

His big, round, warm eyes and those delicious raspberry lips.

And Net stops right in front of James and leans in a little.

So close that James holds his breath and just doesn't want to breathe in the beguiling scent of his bare skin.

And his eyes are still on his skin.

Net raises his arm and closes the refrigerator door behind James.

"It's not good for the fridge, and it's not good for the wallet!" he murmurs in James' ear, bringing his face in front of his again.

He can see exactly that James is not feeling well right now.

He's not going to hurt him after all.

"Did you sleep well?" he asks gently.

James nods, firmly believing his lie.

He couldn't sleep a wink.

Net's sad look had been with him all evening and he felt very lonely in that big four-poster bed.

He could have gone to him, but was so afraid of himself.

His body just didn't want to listen to his instructions.

Again and again his stomach tingled and his heart fluttered as the brief moment popped into his head.

Net's breath on his neck and the fleshy heart on his plate.

Why can't he keep his usually calm grace?

Why does he have to keep thinking about him?

And why must he now stand before him so attractively undressed?

"Aren't you going to ask me if I slept well?" growls Net, and James finally looks him in the eye.

Net smirks.

"I didn't!" he grumbles, "I missed you! You could have slept at my place. The bed's big enough, isn't it? I certainly wouldn't have bugged you! I was very lonely without you," he shows him his sad eyes again.

Those big, dark eyes that always penetrate him and leave traces.

And James' heart aches.

Why is he such a coward?

Without realizing it, he puts his hands on Net's chest and smiles at him.

"Tonight we sleep together!" he whispers, feeling his hands burn.

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