nine - orange juice

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"So... how did you sleep?" Karen was making a sandwich. "Mike?"

"Huh?" Mike didn't even realize his mom was talking to him.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Uh- yeah! Yeah, I did, sorry. I haven't really woken up yet." Which was a total lie; Mike was wide awake; he was just thinking about the dream. Why did I dream about Will kissing me? What made me think about that? Puberty. While drinking his orange juice he remembered that one talk he and Will had after a sleepover at Will's;

'No! Apple juice is better that's a fact!'

'No it's not! Only babies drink apple juice! I am mature for drinking orange juice, you're a little baby!'

'Oh please! I'm not a baby and orange juice sucks!'

'Babyy Willyyy!'

'Haha you are so funny. But you know, it's really not too late to covert to be an apple juice lover.'


'Oh, you traitor! Michael Wheeler how dare you refuse such a proposal!'

'I am a mature adult! You're a baby! Baby Willy!'

That was a fun sleepover, they planned a D&D campaign and read comics all night.

"So, Mike... I heard you talking in your sleep last night." Nancy was handing Holly her food.


Mike accidentally inhaled the juice and started coughing. Ted who was finally heard quietly said that Mike should calm down and patted him on the back so he would stop choking. Mike sniffed and looked at Nancy, his eyes so wide they could pop out. "WHAT."

Nancy looked at him, her expression unbothered. "What do you mean 'what'?" Mike sighed trying to calm himself down. "I'm sorry I don't think I heard what you said, can you repeat that?" his eyes still wide open.

"I said that I heard you talking in your sleep." Nancy was completely chill. What the hell did she hear? She continued, "You were saying a bunch of different things. Weird things, Mike."

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. "Really...?"

"Yeah. You were saying stuff like-"

I'm dead. I'm so dead. An excuse! I need an excuse!

"Uh- it was puberty! Yeah! Puberty is an asshole, right? You out of all people should know that Nancy." he laughed awkwardly. Nancy raised her eyebrows, confused.

"So puberty is making you say all your chores you should do, out loud while sleeping?"

"What?" Mike was now just as confused as his sister.

"Yeah. Mike you were saying stuff like; 'pick up clothes from floor', 'make bed' and 'clean desk'. Then after you said desk, you said 'oh someone is at the door, no it's the window' and then you were quiet."

It was like Mike had been saved from a near death experience, the lump in his throat was gone.  

"Oh yeah haha..." He scratched the back of his neck. "The breakfast was great mom, thanks!" He jumped up and ran to the front door and as he was about to open it his mom shouted, "Where are you going?" What was he supposed to say?

"Uh- Dustin's!" and the door closed. Mike sprinted to where his bike was standing and quickly mounted it, biking away. He didn't know what to do or where to go; he was so overwhelmed. Maybe he actually should go to Dustin's house?

"Mike? Do you co- copy?" The walkie that was still tied to Mike's bike sounded. Mike responded, still stunned, "Yeah, I copy. Who's this?" Quickly after he asked the voice started talking again. "It's me El."

A part of him was disappointed; he wanted it to be Will. He wanted Will to contact him. No what the hell? Why did I want it to be Will? It's El. My girlfriend.

Ex-girlfriend actually.

What the fuck?

Have you already forgotten about me? I literally told you who I was before you IGNORED me, fell asleep and dreamt that pretty graphic dream about your 'friend' Will.

Oh my god not you again. Shut up.

Have some respect Jesus.

Go away.

"Mike? Are you there?"

"Yes sorry! I uh... zoned out? What is it?"

"We wanted to ask you something."


"Yeah! Me, Max and Will!"


"What was the question?" Mike made sure to answer as fast as possible. His breathing getting quicker.

"So-" it cut off. Shit! What happened?

"What El wanted to say- I mean ask, was if you wanted to hang out with us. We have no idea what we are doing yet... maybe starcourt? Or swimming? Anyways, do you want to something with us?" It was Max. She probably took the walkie from El.

"Um- yeah sure. But uh where should I meet you?"

"Come here. To the byers' and we will figure something out."

Mike didn't even reply. He started biking faster, towards Will's house.

And El's?

Towards Will and El's house.

Mike started thinking about what they could do that day. Maybe they could watch a movie? Or go to starcourt, like Max said. Or go swimming? Or they could find a spot they could 'claim'.

Mike knew one thing for sure; this is going to be a great day. I am going to spend it with Will.

What about Max and El, Mike?

Oh my god! Yes, Max and El are going to be there too. Now stay out of my head today because I cannot deal with you today. Leave me alone 'higher consciousness'.

So you do remember me!

Leave me ALONE! Today is not the day. I really don't need you ranting about Will when I am with him. Not right now. Not today. 


Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I will start spamming chapters soon (like some hours) because I'm going on a roadtrip so get ready!

And if you like this you should yk check out my other story: Poison *wink wink*. I would really appreciate that!

Sorry if this chapter was kinda short, but the next one is gonna be a big boy.

Thanks for getting this far and I hope you enjoy the rest of my story!

Love, M.

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