one - pathetic

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in this fanfiction it's 1986, a year after the starcourt incident. The Byers never moved to california and vecna is still unknown of. I really hope you enjoy this story and I will try to update as frequently as possible. Thanks for reading!


"UGH" Mike groaned pressing a pillow onto his face. "What am I going to do?" His voice so muffled you could barely tell what he said. "Y'know-" Lucas started, "it's not that bad." He shrugged putting another m&m in his mouth. Mike flew up looking hopeless, the pillow sliding onto his thighs, "Oh but it is! It really is that bad, Lucas!" he threw the pillow at Lucas who was still chewing the m&m. 

Mike stood up and started wandering, "I'm so screwed! I'm so so screwed!" His hands covering his whole face stretching the skin a bit. "No Mike listen, I am very educated in this type of stuff. We just have to stay low and everything will work out in the end" Mike rolled his eyes, "Like that is going to make things better." Lucas rose from the armchair he was sitting in and started, "Mike! This is the second time! The second time El has dumped you! You won her back last time you can do it again! Max has-" 

"Max has dumped you a million times before and you've won her back every single time, I know." Mike said clearly not interested in Lucas' inability to stay in a relationship with Max that lasts longer than 2 days. "It's just that this time it was..." How could he describe it? "...different. It was like- I don't know. Like she really meant it. In a way that says 'oh mike you are so dumb and immature and I dump you forever because there are better guys than you. And this is a forever-dump' you know?" Mike sighed. 

"Well, if it was so. Then I guess you can consider yourself forever-dumped." Lucas shrugged. "Oh wow. Thanks for the heart warming and helping advice, Lucas." Lucas' eyes widened to form a facial expression that said 'what? It's the truth' Mike sighed, plopping down on the floor and leaning on his table. Lucas did the same. 

They sat in silence until a floorboard creaked. Both looked to their left to see Will walking towards the stairs that led out of Mike's basement. Mike jumped up, "Hey Will, where are you going?" Mike grabbed Will's shoulder to hint that he wanted the other to turn around. 

Mike managed to make Will turn around only to be met by a tired look on the friend's face. Will sighed and replied fast and dry, "Home." Mike's expression quickly changed from 'I just got dumped the second time by the same girl' to a confused look. "Why?" 

"Because I'm too tired of your constant complaining about your love life and I don't have any say in this anyway so me being here is just a waste of time. And listening to your tragic love stories makes me want to puke, it's so boring. So, I am going home, Mike." Will grabbed Mike's hand, took it off of his shoulder and walked up the stairs.

 Just as Will was opening the door to the basement Mike shouted, "What the hell Will! Why don't you get some new friends because it seems like we don't fit in your selfish little box of expectations!"

 Will still standing in the doorway turned around. "Yeah, maybe I will! Maybe I will find someone who actually cares about me and my feelings and doesn't totally ignore me the moment nothing is physically wrong with me. You know you are very shitty friends." Will heard Mike scoff and say "You are so pathetic!" before he slammed the basement door shut. 

The house was dead silent. Mr. Wheeler was still asleep in the living room, Mrs. Wheeler was probably upstairs, Holly was also probably asleep and Nancy was working. As quietly as possible, Will walked out of the Wheeler house. 

He picked up his bike leading it to the road and starting to slowly bike to the left. Well, this summer is going great. Will gripped the handles of his bike, his knuckles started to turn white. With anger boiling inside of him he started biking faster. This summer is going so fucking great.


"You are so pathetic!" The door slammed shut. 

What the hell? Mike stood at the bottom of the stairs completely frozen. "What was that?" He could hear that Lucas was teasingly smiling but Mike just stood there. 

"I'm gonna head home too." Lucas quickly got up and went upstairs. "Bye Mike, see ya." "Yeah, see ya." Mike walked up with Lucas and waved goodbye while standing on the stairs that lead to the second floor. Aaand the door shut. 

Mike went up to his room. He locked the door and threw himself at his bed. Covering his face with his hands he sighed. Shit. Mike just had a fight with Will. Like a big fight. Shit. What if he meant what he said? What if Will is actually going to leave me and find another... Mike. Friend. Best friend. What if Will replaces me with a better version of me? 

Mike groaned and turned so that he was laying on his back staring at the ceiling. "Damn it, Mike! Damn it, damn it, damn it!" he hit his head for every 'damn it'. 

He had to apologize to Will instantly. He reached for his walkie talkie and exhaled before pressing the button on the side. Mike opened his mouth but no words came out. He let go of the button and let himself fall back on his back with arms stretched out on each side. 

He drove the walkie closer to his mouth and pressed the button. "Hey Will, you there? Over." Silence. Mike let out a sigh of defeat and frustration. "Leave me alone." Wills voice echoed through the radio. Mike jumped and quickly started talking. "Will! Hey I just wanted to say that I'm sorry..." "I said leave me alone!" Mike could tell by Will's tone that he was angry. And hurt. "Over. And. Out."

 "Will wait-" Will had probably turned off his walkie. Mike Wheeler, you screwed up. You screwed up so bad. 

Mike never liked when he and Will fought. Even about small things. Will was the one Mike would trust with his own life. He was important to Mike. Will was Mike's person

There was El too but she is a girl and that's different, she probably has Max. El was his girlfriend after all, not his person. Mikes never shared anything 'important' about himself with El or so because she was his girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend. Girlfriends are for kissing and doing all the 'liking' thing. Or the other word, you know what I mean. The thing romance songs are about. 

Oh Michael, you do not know what you are getting yourself into...

And then there is Will that is for everything else. In a good way of course! Not like arguing. The good things. Like having sleepovers and talking about whatever until you fall asleep and sitting in silence reading new comics and planning D&D campaigns for hours and the rest.

The train of thought just kept going. Mike unhappy about the fact that he and Will had a fight and Will doesn't want to talk to him. It made Mike feel this knot tightening in his stomach. And of course, the fact that El literally dumped him for the second time. He finally fell asleep with his walkie talkie still in hand. 

How the hell am I going to fix this? 

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