Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 Dressed as a fish in the Neptune fish pond 14

    The weather finally cleared up, and the air was soaked with the coolness of autumn. However, a major incident happened in the second international class of the second year of high school-their class fee was stolen.

    The international class fee has never been a small figure, and it involves the interests of every student in the class, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole class.

    As a life committee member, Lin Ci once again became the center of the whirlpool.

    "Why did the class fee just get lost? Didn't the head teacher say that Lin Ci's work is very reliable? I don't think so."

    "Just based on Lin Ci's living conditions, if the class fee can't be recovered, he can pay for it. Is it possible that everyone suffers this loss for no reason?" As soon as these

    words came out, the faces of the classmates were not very good-looking, and the words against Linci became more intense.

    "I can't even look at the class fee, so called a so-called good student? So many classes, I have never seen an accident in any class."

    "Anyway, if you can't get it back, Lin Ci will be fully responsible. "

    Lin Ci still sits upright, but his face is paler than when he was fished out of the heavy rain, his long eyelashes drooping down.

    He rummaged through the memory of this time in his mind for the countless times, but couldn't find any clues.

    In half a day, the class fee disappeared.

    He never thought of escaping responsibility, but for him now, it is indeed a huge sum of money that is unbearable.

    The classroom monitoring was not turned on, and the whole class cooperated with the head teacher to investigate, but after several rounds of investigation, there was still no sign.

    Lin Ci almost never left his seat, the class fee was kept in his schoolbag, and there were very few people in contact with him.

    Contact... Ji Jiawei suddenly thought of something, and a light flashed.

    "I see!"

    Her crisp voice sounded in the class, and the classmates looked at her one after another.

    "I remembered who had contact with Lin Ci." Ji Jiawei was firm, "Ji Qiaozhen from Class 14 of Senior High School, he came to our International Class 2 and talked to Lin Ci. Many people saw it.

    " More importantly, Ji Qiao's family is not good, and he has every motivation to steal the class fee."

    Ji Jiawei's voice fell, and the class was in an uproar.

    The name Ji Qiaozhen has been widely spread in the school recently, and no one is unfamiliar.

    Especially the fight with Li Wenshen made him well known across all grades.

    But Ji Qiao is really well-known and well-known to everyone who is going in a good direction, not notorious.

    A beautiful young man with stunning looks and outstanding skills, who will win people's favor in all aspects.

    Even in the senior grades, many people like him, and the second class of the second international class of high school is no exception.

    Immediately, a refutation sounded: "Ji Jiawei, you didn't deliberately slander him because of Ji Qiaozhen's disgrace?"

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