Heartbreak Into True Love

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Once there was a girl named Arleene, she thought everyone doubted her until she met her best friend Zoe. Zoe was confident of herself unlike Arleene.

One day Arleene and Zoe were at school and they got invited to a party and were so happy. Right after school the girls went shopping for new clothes since the party started at 7pm that same day.

Once they arrived at the party Arleene went to get drinks. That's when she met Ryan, Ryan was the hottest boy in school and he went up to Arleene and said "wow, you're super hot" Arleene giggled and said "thank you". Then Ryan said "would you like to dance?" Of course Arleene said yes so they ran to the dance floor and danced.

For the next month Ryan and Arleene hung out everyday all day. That's when Arleene realized her and Zoe were starting to act like strangers so Arleene called Zoe and asked to hang out.

The next day while Arleene and Zoe were hanging out, Zoe spotted Ryan and Arleene was about to go up to him but Zoe stopped her and grabbed her arm to pull her away, Zoe said "we should hear what they're talking about!" in a quiet voice. Arleene agreed.

They hide behind bushes and hear SHOCKING news. Ryan's friends say "Bro do u actually like that Arleene girl?" Ryan said "Like her? Nah bro shes UGLY" Arleene was so shocked to hear this and started crying and ran home.

For the next few days Arleene didn't even go to school nor get off her bed, Zoe would always check up on her after school.

One day Arleene was home alone and she heard knocking and got up to get the door. She opens the door and sees Ryan, Arleene says "what are u doing here?" Ryan responded with "why haven't you've been at school I've been worried" Arleene giggles and says "Hm I don't know maybe because Im "UGLY". Ryan stands shocked for a few seconds then says "Arleene, I didn't mean none of it, you see my friends are very different than me and I really like you but we have to keep it a secret" Arleene slams the door.

A few minutes later there was a knock again and Arleene thought it was Ryan so she went up to the door and opened it aggressively and said "what do u possibly want Ryan" Zoe stood there shocked and said "wait Ryan? And woah girl you're not on your bed?" Arleene said "sorry" while laughing and invited Zoe inside.

Arleene said "So what do you wanna do?" while going to sit on the couch Zoe said "Ok so you know how my birthday is on Saturday, well I want to invite you to my super cool party!" Arleene agreed to go.

The next day Arleene finally went to school and Ryan ran up to her apologizing but Arleene just smacked him and everyone started laughing. All the girls who had been played by Ryan ran up to Arleene and said "Finally someone stood up to him", "he deserved that", and "you're so brave".

In science class Ryan and Arleene got paired up for a project and Ryan kept saying how he's sorry and he actually likes her but Arleene didn't believe any of it and said "ok whatever can we just work on the project" and Ryan agreed.

After school Arleene went to Ryan's place to finish the project. Once she got there Ryan led her to his room so they could study but Ryan had other plans instead of studying. Ryan looked at Arleene and kissed her. Arleene got mad and slapped him and grabbed her things to leave but before leaving she said "You know you shouldn't kiss someone without their consent" and left.

Finally Saturday came (Zoe's birthday party) Arleene went to the store and bought Zoe something she's always wanted. While she was at the store she decided to buy herself a dress to wear to Zoe's party, Arleene picked out this beautiful denim dress with jasmine flowers.

Once Arleene arrived at Zoe's party she met this guy named Levi he was very sweet and comforting. Levi and Arleene had a lot in common, Arleene was starting to catch feelings for him.

Zoe came up to Levi and Arleene and said "Oh so you finally met my cousin Levi!" Arleene was shocked and said "He's your cousin?!" Zoe laughed and said "didn't I just say that?" Levi said "Oh so your THE ARLEENE, I've heard so much about you"

Zoe pulled Arleene aside and said "Do you like Levi?" Arleene blushed and said "maybe" Zoe knew Arleene did like Levi and totally wanted them to be together so she just left Levi and Arleene alone for the rest of the party.

Zoe was feeling a little left out and started to tear up a little bit seeing Levi and Arleene laughing and having fun. Levi and Arleene gave their numbers to each other to be in contact. After Zoes party Levi and Arleene would text everyday all day even when Arleene would hang out with Zoe, Arleene didn't even pay attention to Zoe. Zoe said "Arleene I think maybe we can go to the movi-'' Arleene interrupted and said "yeah sure whatever'' Zoe mumbled "you didn't even let me finish but ok..".

After all day Zoe has been waiting at the movie theaters for Arleene but she never showed. Zoe decided she was not gonna wait anymore and go home, she called a taxi to pick her up but the taxi would be there in 1 hour and 38 minutes! Zoe was not gonna wait that long so she just walked home.

She thought she saw 2 familiar people so she went up to them. Zoe said "Hello?" and Zoe got so mad seeing that Levi and Arleene were hanging out together. Zoe snapped and said "Really Arleene?! I have been waiting at the movies all day waiting for you to come and you don't even come?!" Arleene said "Gosh Zoe can you calm down? I mean I always hang out with you and-" Zoe interrupted and said "Always hang out with me?! No, you've been hanging out with Levi ever since my birthday party!" Zoe was tired of all of this and just went home.

The next day at school it was awkward between Arleene and Zoe. Arleene tried talking to Zoe but Zoe didn't wanna listen to anything she had to say. Arleene really wanted to do something big for Zoe so she can accept her apologies but it was gonna be a lot of work.

When the bell rang for the kids to go home Arleene ran to Family Dollar and got everything she needed for Zoe to forgive her. Once Arleene got home she worked all night on the project for Zoe and it came out PERFECT! Arleene was so tired after spending all night on that now all she had to do was wait for school on Monday and show the project to Zoe.

On Monday, Arleene got super worried because Zoe didn't go to school and she always went to school! So Arleene skipped a few classes and went to Zoe's house and sadly Zoe was sick so Arleene went to Zoe's room and sat by her side waiting for her to wake up from her nap. Finally Zoe woke up, Zoe said "What are you doing here? You have to be in school" in a tired voice.

Arleene said "look Zoe i'm so sorry for everything! Please forgive me. I will never be like that again. I am such a bad friend.." Zoe said "No Arleene i'm sorry, I should've been more understanding about Levi and you.." Arleene said "So you're not mad at me?" Zoe said "Of course not.." Arleene smiled so big and went back to school.

Once she got there Levi ran up to Arleene and kissed her in front of everyone. Arleene was speechless and blushing so hard. Levi said "where were you? I was worried!" Arleene said "I- I was a-at Zoes house" Levi hugged Arleene and kissed her again.

After school Arleene went home and had dinner and tried to fall asleep but couldn't so she texted Levi saying "Hey.. About that kiss uhm.. Do you like me?.." She was so worried about Levis' response and he responded after a minute saying "Hey princess.. Yeah I do. Is that a problem? I'm sorry.." Arleene responded with "No not at all actually I like you too.." and Levi was so happy and said "so were dating?" and Arleene said "yeah I guess so".

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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