Tantrum (Tony)

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You're 3 year old Y/N Stark, you were having a movie day with your mom, Pepper, snd your dad, Tony, when he gets the notification that there was a mission. Tony mouths to pepper that there was a mission, she nods her head and paused the movie. "Y/N/N, daddy has to go to work." , your dad stated, "Nooo!" , you whined, "I have to sweetheart." "Nooooo!!" You said once again. He stands up and you grab onto his leg. "Y/N, I don't have time for this." He told you. "Don't goooo!!!!" You griped,
"Y/N," your mother said, "Let go of your dad's leg." "Uh uh" you grumbled. She began to try and pull you off of Tony's leg, your grip tightened, making it harder. "NOO!" , you shrieked, you then started crying. "Y/N." *Crying loudly* This went on for another two minutes before the crying got quieter and turned into the hiccups a minute or so later it was silent. The crying made you tired and it was almost your nap time, they used this as their chance to pry you off of Tony. Pepper took you to your room and gently closed the door two hours later you had just woken up and your dad was back from his mission. He entered your room, "Daddy!!" You exclaimed, "Hi honey," he said, "You weren't being a very good girl today. Daddy loves you. But, I have to work." He said, "But you always work" you said, "I know I work a lot. But, my job is very special. So, I work more sometimes" he explained. "Now, promise me, you won't throw another tantrum." He ordered, "I promise" you shrugged, "I love you" he said kissing your forehead, "I love you too" you responded, "Want a Popsicle?" He asked, "Yeah!" You cheered. He picked you up and got you a Popsicle. Delicious.

This was an altered version of a storyline I've been imagining since 2020... Did you like it? 💖💜💙

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