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cw - alcohol and vomit lol

the second transition (*) switches to seungkwan's pov, just to clear up any confusion if there's any

sorry for the long wait, and I hope u enjoy :D


"Guys, congratulations!"

Seungcheol basically jumped into Mingyu's arms, and the taller man caught him easily. People turned to look at the sudden commotion, and Chan tried to hide his giggle as Soonyoung and Seokmin swarmed Seungkwan with affection. Vernon and Junhui were talking to friends and family, and Minghao was standing next to Junhui. Chan accidentally looked at him for too long, and they made eye contact. This lead them to looking away in embarrassment.

"It was all thanks to you guys we were able to win!" Mingyu had a big grin on his face. "I haven't seen Minghao that hungry for a win in a long time."

Suddenly, they turned their attention to Chan. Mingyu's eyes were sparkling with mischief as he smirked.

"Hey! We're going to order some drinks, it's going to be on us," Seokmin flashed a smile at the team and they nodded in agreement.

Chan sighed in relief once the attention was diverted from him.

They all sat down at the bar. The bartender took down everyone's order. Everyone had a similar drink in mind, a classic bear, whiskey, or maybe some soju. Chan decided to order a whiskey, to which Mingyu raised an eyebrow at.

"He'll get some wine instead," he told the bartender and the man nodded in confusion.

It was too late for Chan to protest because he already began to walk away. Chan pouted at the Mingyu, "What was that for?"

"Dude, don't you remember the last time you got drunk?" Junhui giggled. "You literally made that taxi driver lose his mind!"

Seungcheol huffed in agreement, "That was insanely embarrassing, Chan."

"You know how stubborn you are when you're sober? Yeah, well, imagine how stubborn you are when you're drunk," Vernon explained while grinning.

Chan rolled his eyes, "Damn, what are you guys, my parents? Let me drink what I want!"

"Well, it's too late now," Vernon shrugged.

"I bet he's still going to get drunk either way," Mingyu said.

Chan was still pouting, "Do you not have any faith in me?"

While everyone shared a look, Chan noticed that Minghao and Seungkwan both seemed distant from their conversation, but he decided not to say anything and instead took his first sip of his red wine. There was a burst of fruity flavour in Chan's mouth, despite the spike of bitterness that followed right after. His face twisted immediately as he wasn't exactly used to this kind of wine, but nonetheless, it wasn't that bad.

He was ready to enjoy the rest of the night.


"Who the hell left Chan unsupervised?"

Seungkwan looked towards Soonyoung's direction and he squinted his eyes, trying to get a better look. There was a crowd of people looking to be circling around Chan, and it wasn't like Seungkwan worried, he was just slightly curious. So, he told Junhui he'd be right back with a wink and left in a hurry.

Now that he was closer, standing right next to Seokmin, he instantly regretted the decision of going over to the crowd of people.

Chan couldn't even keep his eyes open, he was that drunk. He was mindlessly slurring his words and protesting against Mingyu's hold, who was trying to get him off the floor. Seungkwan has no idea why he was on sitting there like a big baby, but he snorted, kind of enjoying the scene.

3:30 pm | boochan [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now