⓿➋: Tacky Hammers

Start from the beginning

Delilah asked, "Which one did you go to?"

"Marry Mimi's," Lorelai replied.

"Ooh, I see we're going top of the line," Rory stated.

"They do have nice dresses," Delilah admitted.

"Even though you have to order your wedding dress on the first day of junior high, and if you haven't, it's off the rack for you missy," Lorelai told her.

"That's not true," Delilah replied.

"And I tried on three different dresses, one of which gave me a rash," Lorelai continued.

"That's because you're allergic to expensive things," Delilah added.

"And I got to say, has anyone missed the bustle? 'Cause I haven't," Lorelai finished.

Rory said, "It was not that bad."

"They all looked wrong. I'm going to be gross and all the children will laugh and Max will realize he's made a horrible mistake and then people will walk away, exactly as you're doing now," Lorelai said.

"Let's go," Rory said, going to the kitchen.

Lorelai and Delilah followed after her as Lorelai asked, "Where?"

"Wedding dress shopping," Rory stated.

"Uh, you're reading," Lorelai said.

"I'm done," Rory replied.

"Uh, you need to see Dean," Lorelai stated.

"He's playing softball," Rory countered.

"Your cure for cancer's almost finished," Lorelai suggested.

"We are going to find the perfect thing for you to walk down the aisle in your perfect wedding day, where there will be no pointing, mocking or walking out," Rory said as they made their way to the front door.

Lorelai said, "I did not say pointing, why did you say pointing?"

"I think it was implied," Delilah said.

Rory held up the car keys, "Keys."

"Thank you," Lorelai said, taking the keys.

Jake asked Delilah, "What kind of clubs are you doing?" They were standing in front of a bulletin board that had fliers pinned to it.

"I was thinking of the math club," Delilah repeated. "I want to try to get into Yale."

Jake looked at the clubs, "My dad told me to start an academic club, because colleges eat that crap up."

Delilah looked at the clubs they were offering: book club, math club, science club, astronomy.

Starting an academic club however...

Delilah wondered, "If I would start a club, what club would I start?"

Jake shrugged, "I don't know."

Samantha and Matt walked up to them. Samantha asked, "What's going on?"

"Looking at clubs to put on college applications," Jake told her.

Samantha nodded and leaned over to look at the fliers. She was at least 5'7, so she rested her chin on Delilah's shoulder to look. "Ooh, fashion club."

Delilah was surprised, "They have that?"

"Yeah, it's right there," Samantha said, pressing into Delilah to point at the flier. She kissed Delilah on the cheek.

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